NHS FPX 4010 Assessment 3 Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal JJ

NHS FPX 4010 Assessment 3 Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal JJ
Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal
The objective will be to identify a four-hour window during which the loss of EMR access will have the least impact on patient care. It will be mainly done by the IT board of the hospital but all other clinical and administrative stack holders will take part. Desired outcome would be finding a suitable time in which there will be minimal effect on day-to-day routine of patient management.
NHS FPX 4010 Assessment 3 Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal JJ
If plan goes successful, there will be a four-hour EMR “down” with no major effect on hospital efficiency of patient management. It will also enable the organization for make itself better in such situations in future by using the stats and outcomes of this scenario by using double-loop feedback model.
Questions and Predictions
Following are the possible questions and their predicted answers for achieving desired outcome:
- How will patient records, medication allocation, patient activities documents and lab and other diagnostic results generation will be maintained?
- They will be recorded manually. For radiology related issues, a radiologist will be present at all departments for immediate evaluation of the lab results.
NHS FPX 4010 Assessment 3 Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal JJ
- What would be the criteria for the appropriate time identification?
- It will enable for the completion of end-of-day billing transactions.
- The phlebotomy team will be able to start their morning rounds on schedule.
- It should be during a period when the number of emergency room visits has historically been low.
Change Theories and Leadership Strategies
We’ll utilize Ronald Havelock’s (1973) extension of Lewin’s change model, which includes six stages of change. Havelock claims that extending Lewin’s change model to include knowledge building, which focuses on systematic integration of ideas rather than fragmented approaches, will allow interdisciplinary change management to better respond to real-life circumstances (Estabrooks et al., 2006).
Establishing a connection, diagnosing the problem, acquiring change resources, picking a solution route, establishing and accepting change, and maintenance and separation are the six steps of Havelock’s method. This theory is the best fit for the situation since it will assist the individual in question by utilizing the theory’s phases.
NHS FPX 4010 Assessment 3 Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal JJ
Team Collaboration Strategy
- IT Manager will manage the update and security patching of the EMR.
- Nursing Body will be responsible for the training of nurses for manual handling of the patient records’
- Clinical Manager will handle the allocation of radiologist in every department for the manual test evaluations and lab results.
- Administrative Manager will be available all time to run smoothly all above mentioned duties assigned to everyone.
- Health Care Informatics Analyst will be responsible for linkage of all stack holders to find the appropriate time and efficiently took all the steps
The administrative manager will oversee the entire process and teach various departments in collaboration with health care informatics analysts so that they can suggest when the EMR should be turned off at the right moment. They educated us on why it is important to take down the whole EMR, including laboratories and the diagnostic imaging system known as the PACs system, before doing the needed work. They warned us that if these duties are not completed, the EMR’s security will be endangered, and the database will be damaged, resulting in the inability to use the EMR or access any patient information.
NHS FPX 4010 Assessment 3 Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal JJ
The upgrades would take around four hours for the IT staff to complete. Nursing Body will work with the IT team to choose a down time date and time, establish a down time strategy, identify resources to offer assistance prior to, during, and after the down time, provide down-time related education, and conduct post-down time interviews to identify areas for improvement.
Required Organizational Resources
Required Organizational Resources will include:
- Budget for manual handling training of Nursing body and Practitioners
- Allotment of funds to Radiology Department for allocation of temporary radiologist to compensate the required number of radiologists in each department.
This whole plan will hugely impact the organization resources if the proposed plan would not undertake and successful. It will be a disastrous moment for the hospital for not managing the system manually. Patients will be impacted badly and interdisciplinary harmony will be destroyed completely
Griggs, K., Wiechula, R., & Cusack, L. (2018). Geriatric Nursing Sensitive Indicators and quality nursing care for the older person: a scoping review protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 16(1), 39-45.
Mangold, K., & Pearson, J. (2017). Making Sense of Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicators. Journal for nurses in professional development, 33(3), 159-160.
Udod, S., & Wagner, J. (2018). Common change theories and application to different nursing situations. Leadership and Influencing Change in Nursing.
NHS FPX 4010 Assessment 3 Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal JJ
What is the difference between single-loop and double-loop learning? (2014, January 6). Performancemagazine.org. https://www.performancemagazine.org/what-is-the-difference-between-single-loop-and-double-loop-learning/
NHS FPX 4010 Assessment 3 Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal JJ