NHS FPX 4000 Assessment 3 Analyzing a Current Health Care Problem or Issue JJ

NHS FPX 4000 Assessment 3 Analyzing a Current Health Care Problem or Issue JJ
HS FPX 4000 Assessment 3 Analyzing a Current Health Care Problem or Issue JJ
Analyse a Current Health Care Problem or Issue
It’s no secret that drug mistakes are a serious and widespread problem in health care. In this study, I will examine the effects of medication errors on patients, healthcare professionals, and health care organizations. Despite improvements in technology like as electronic records systems and computerized drug orders, pharmaceutical mistakes are still common today. In order to deliver safe and timely health care, health care organizations and clinicians should strive to reduce drug mistakes.
Elements of Problem/Issue
Studies show that drug mistakes in the health care business have continued to plague patients, healthcare professionals and organizations as a whole. A patient’s mortality can result from medication mistakes. For example, human mistake (Gorgich, Barfroshan, Ghoreishi and Yaghoobi); (2016;2015) might create these problems. When health care providers input incorrect data into drug orders, technical problems might arise. As Cohen (2019) points out, mechanisms put in place to prevent errors, such as computerized medicine orders, might instead lead to an increase in mistakes. However, in its current form, electronic medication systems give physicians with many alternatives with variances in drug names, which can lead to doctors selecting the erroneous medicine. If the patient is given the improper prescription, it might have a detrimental influence on their health and well-being. The incorrect medicine can worsen a medical condition or possibly end in death. Human faults are predominant in medication errors.
NHS FPX 4000 Assessment 3 Analyzing a Current Health Care Problem or Issue JJ
Gorgich et al (2016;2015, p.5448) stated that Medication faults are often the result of human mistakes. Human mistakes in medicine orders are most commonly caused by fatigue, heavy caseloads, and illegible doctor’s orders. As a result of fatigue and a big caseload, a loss of attention may cause the wrong prescription to be prescribed. As a result, several drugs have identical names with small changes in spelling or suffixes. Drugs are labeled with suffixes to indicate particular biological components (Cohen, 2019). When combined with the inability to read a prescription correctly, it’s simple to pick the wrong drug. Healthcare professionals must adhere to continuously updated health care rules in order to provide safe and patient-centred therapy by reducing or eliminating pharmaceutical errors. NHS FPX 4000 Assessment 1 Applying Ethical Principle JJ
NHS FPX 4000 Assessment 3 Analyzing a Current Health Care Problem or Issue JJ
Medication mistakes and the variables that lead to them are relevant to me as a supervisor who supervises prescribers. Prescribing errors can put patients at risk. Drug interactions that result in seizures or the aggravation of other medical problems might be caused by an incorrect prescription order. Rules, regulations and systems EPS and EHS must be tracked. Any drug mistakes must be reported so that existing rules can be adjusted.
Context for Medication Errors
Organizations in the health care industry have made significant advances in technology and standards for preventing drug mistakes. To help avoid pharmaceutical mistakes, computerized record systems and electronic drug prescriptions have been implemented (Wolf, Serembus, Youngblood, 2001). Drug mistakes continue to be a problem despite the fact that health care rules and safety measures have improved. Human factors such as fatigue and an increasing caseload contribute to medication errors (Gorgich, Barfroshan, Ghoreishi, Yaghoobi, 2016;2015). There is a lack of attention and sometimes failure to observe safety rules because of that. Technical mistakes owing to similarity in medicine names still continue to be a problem in the pharmaceutical industry. These variables contribute to the occurrence of medication mistakes in the long term.
Populations Affected by Medication Error Issues
Since there are so many different caregivers in the hospital, trauma patients are particularly prone to drug mistakes (Dolejs, Janowak, Zarzaur, 2017). A lack of communication and uncertainty about what drugs the patient requires and what has already been provided may result from these handoffs. Drug errors are more common in mental patients due to their difficulty recalling their symptoms and medical background. HIPPA can potentially have an impact on the impacted communities. A consent form must be signed by psychiatric patients before their records, including medication history, may be disclosed. Without this, doctors have no method of validating what drugs patients are on, other than the patients’ own reporting of their prescription regimens (Shenoy & Appel, 2017).
NHS FPX 4000 Assessment 3 Analyzing a Current Health Care Problem or Issue JJ
Considering Options
Reduced medication errors may be eliminated by developing safety rules that are adaptable to technology developments in health care. In order to ensure effective drug administration, health care organizations must implement standards that will require them to address issues that contribute to human error, such as high provider caseloads.
Patients and clinicians should be made aware of the repercussions of drug mistakes, as well as the influence they have on health care organizations. So that organizations can change safety recommendations to prevent future pharmaceutical errors, organizations must report medication errors. Patient deaths, provider guilt, and litigation against health institutions are all possible outcomes of pharmaceutical mistakes (Wolf, Serembus, Youngblood, 2001).
EHR Systems, computerized medication systems, and improved safety requirements have all helped to reduce pharmaceutical mistakes, but these technological advancements have also opened up new avenues for errors. Variations in patient names and medicines might lead a practitioner to select the erroneous choice when using EHR systems and electronic medication systems. In order to reduce the risk of mistakes, health care institutions should develop recommendations. (Cohen, 2019).
Although health care organizations have made progress in preventing and reducing pharmaceutical mistakes via the use of technology systems, these same technologies may also contribute to the errors themselves. When giving medicines, too many alternatives may lead to confusion. One or both of two steps might address the issue. When a prescriber sends in a pharmaceutical order, the system asks for confirmation of the prescriber’s DOB, medication, and dose before allowing the order to be completed. As well, implementing standards that limit the number of cases that a provider may take on might be helpful. This will result in less mistakes because providers won’t be as stressed out. In addition, the provision of continuing trainings on pharmaceutical effects, side effects, and repercussions of errors may also help decrease medication errors.
NHS FPX 4000 Assessment 3 Analyzing a Current Health Care Problem or Issue JJ
Despite the fact that health care organizations have substantially profited from technological developments, more updates and standards must be put in place to make them more efficient. Electronic prescription systems make giving drugs more efficient, but they can also cause difficulties, according to a new report. However, despite the fact that they may not be worth the risk (Cohen, 2019), they are required for health care organizations to run more efficiently and to offer better patient-cantered care.
There should be a two-step verification procedure in electronic prescription systems so that doctors are obliged to examine drugs before they can submit them. It would be easy to verify the patient’s name, date of birth, medicine, and dose via a pop-up window that prohibits prescribers from completing a prescription unless they confirm. As a result of the usage of an electronic system, there is a danger of exposing PHI. To ensure that only authorised users may access patient information, electronic systems should incorporate firewalls in addition to user authentication and firewalls for security.
Existing guidelines for health care organizations must be updated to keep up with the field’s advancements, though. The introduction of restrictions on provider caseloads is one such guideline to consider. As a result of heavy caseloads and tiredness, physicians make more prescription errors (Gorgich et al., 2016;2015). In order to prevent caregivers from being overworked or exhausted, the organization responsible for facilities should set realistic rules for assigning and managing caseloads. In an effort to reduce one of the primary cited causes for medication mistakes, imposing penalties on institutions that do not adhere to such rules may be an effective method to achieve this aim. The importance of maintaining patient confidentiality cannot be overstated. PHI must be protected from ordinary staff access as part of this solution’s ethical implications. It’s important that cases are vetted before they’re assigned, but this should only be done by Quality Assurance or a supervisor to limit access by all personnel. In addition, patient information is safeguarded and should only be accessed by those who need it. Policy and procedural expertise are critical in health care.
Training providers on prescription mistakes, safety concerns, and reporting errors would be an excellent place to start. As a result, many pharmaceutical errors are unreported, making it impossible to learn from them (Wolf, Serembus, Youngblood, 2001) Prescribers might benefit from implementing seminars that address a variety of topics related to drugs, such as drug interactions, medication mistake repercussions, and liabilities to providers and organizations. This type of training should be required at least once a year by organizations. It is unethical to use patient information for training purposes. Patients’ personal information such as their name, ID number, and social security number should be removed from data before it is utilized as a teaching example.
NHS FPX 4000 Assessment 3 Analyzing a Current Health Care Problem or Issue JJ
In the health care business, organizations and ethical concerns are always evolving. Systematically assisting caregivers might have the unintended consequence of compromising patient care and safety. Guidelines that have been updated, electronic systems that have been upgraded, and a reduction in workload are all viable solutions. These solutions must be investigated for their ethical implications before they are deployed in order to protect not just patients, but also physicians and organizations.
Cohen, M. R. (2019). Medication errors. Nursing, 49(7), 72-72. Retrieved from https://oce-ovid-com.library.capella.edu/article/00152193-201907000-00021/HTML.
Dolejs, S. C., Janowak, C. F., & Zarzaur, B. L. (2017). Medication errors in injured patients. The American Surgeon, 83(7), 780-785. Retrieved from https://search-proquestcom.library.capella.edu/docview/1926526826/fulltext/AB95F4CFA28448CDPQ/1?accountid=27965
Gorgich, E. A. C., Barfroshan, S., Ghoreishi, G., & Yaghoobi, M. (2016;2015;). Investigating the causes of medication errors and strategies to prevention of them from nurses and nursing student viewpoint. Global Journal of Health Science, 8(8), 54448-54448. Retrieved from https://www-ncbi-nlm-nih-gov.library.capella.edu/pmc/articles/PMC5016359/
Shenoy, A., & Appel, J. M. (2017). Safeguarding confidentiality in electronic health records. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics : CQ : The International Journal of Healthcare Ethics Committees, 26(2), 337-341. Retrieved from http://library.capella.edu/login?url=http://journals.scholarsportal.info/openUrl.xqy? doi=10.1017/S0963180116000931
Wolf, Z. R., Serembus, J. F., & Youngblood, N. (2001). Consequences of fatal medication errors for health care providers: A secondary analysis study. MedSurg Nursing, 10(4), 193. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.library.capella.edu/docview/230525790? https://library.capella.edu/login?url=accountid=27965&pq-origsite=summon
NHS FPX 4000 Assessment 3 Analyzing a Current Health Care Problem or Issue JJ