MSN FPX 6105 Teaching and Active Learning Strategies Assessment 2 Management and Motivation KP

MSN FPX 6105 Teaching and Active Learning Strategies Assessment 2 Management and Motivation KP
The Learning Environment
MSN FPX 6105 Teaching and Active Learning Strategies Assessment 2 Management and Motivation KP
The learning environment most appropriate for teaching nursing students about becoming competent nurses in the modern and competitive nursing and medical disciplines is an institution of higher learning. This environment supports the growth and development of adult students as they engage in the educational enterprise (Moore, 2020). A higher learning institution environment supports students’ needs with psychological and emotional conditions, physical environment, and sociocultural influences necessary to prepare them for their careers. Teaching about nursing competency in the contemporary world is challenging because the nursing and medical disciplines are dynamic, with every day bringing new technology and challenges to professions in these disciplines (Thibault, 2020). Therefore, higher learning institutions become an integral environment to prepare nurses for competency.
This environment is favorable because it offers the opportunity to deliver theoretical and practical lessons to nursing students. For instance, a healthcare facility setting would not be appropriate to research a new virus because it would pose significant risks to patients and hospital personnel. However, an institution of higher learning would have advanced laboratories for medical and nursing experiments under sophisticated and controlled environments that ensure students’ and personnel’s safety (Rao, 2019). Also, a higher learning institution environment promotes cross-cultural interactions because nursing students will have several diversities based on their backgrounds. Coming together in this environment would allow them to interact, appreciate their differences, and work together to achieve their academic goals (Paric et al., 2021). Moreover, the topic to be taught targets nursing students to equip them with the necessary knowledge for competency in nursing in the modern nursing practice. Hence, the higher learning institution becomes favorable because it is where nursing students train to become nurses.
Theories of Classroom, and Learner Management and Learner Motivation
This learning environment can use several theories to manage the classroom. However, two theories stand out prominently and are unique to the learning environment. The first theory is the Glasser’s Choice Theory of 1998. In this theory, Grasser contends that all people behave differently in different situations. He states that practically all behavior is a choice, and humanity is compelled by genetics to fulfill the five basic needs: love and belonging, survival, freedom, power, and fun (Milford & Kiddell, 2020). In this theory, the primary need is love and belonging, which is brought about by connectedness with others. Therefore, the theory can apply in managing the classroom by encouraging students to connect to feel a sense of belonging in the environment and the learning process. Essay MSN FPX 6105 Teaching and Active Learning Strategies Assessment 1 Learning Theories and Diversity KP
Glasser’s choice theory would also require the teacher to teach the students successfully and guide them to understand that hard work and obedience will improve their lives and academic performance. The theory will also guide the instructor to develop class activities that benefit and address students’ needs. Hence, the theory manages the classroom and learner by minimizing disruptions and ensuring continuity of learning (Khaksar et al., 2018). Applying the theory in the proposed learning environment will bring benefits that include; minimizing coercion because it does not inspire quality, the instructor will focus on quality, and learners will have self-evaluation to determine their course progress.
MSN FPX 6105 Teaching and Active Learning Strategies Assessment 2 Management and Motivation KP
The second classroom management theory will be Kohn’s Student-Directed Learning Theory of 2006. According to this theory, teachers must allow students to be self-directed (Brownstein, 2013). Hence the theory will allow the instructor to explore the topics that interest them most. Rather than presenting external motivation factors, the instructor should allow students to learn independently and explore new knowledge without worrying about how good they are. Indeed, this theory will be convenient because to become a competent nurse, nursing students must go out of their way to discover new knowledge and trends in nursing to become competent problem solvers (Brownstein, 2013). The theory focuses primarily on the learning process rather than academic achievement. It factors diversity in that it understands students learn at different paces and setting standards discriminates the students who learn at a slower pace. Hence, Kohn asserts that classrooms must have the student as their central focus element, making such a class have several characteristics, including displaying student projects, sharing ideas among students, respectful teachers who mingle with learners, and multiple activities coinciding.
The theories that will inform student motivation in the proposed learning environment are cognitive. The first cognitive theory of motivation to apply will be the goal-setting theory. Edwin Locke proposed this theory in the 1960s. It explains that setting goals affect performance (Locke & Latham, 2019). Creating specific and challenging goals is likely to Inspire learners and accomplish tasks effectively, while easy and vague goals may lead to unfavorable performance. I will motivate my learners by applying this theory in the proposed learning environment by urging them to set specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timebound (SMART) goals in their nursing course.
The second cognitive motivation theory will be the expectancy theory. Victor H. Vroom proposed this theory in 1964. The theory asserts that a person chooses a particular behavior over another with respect to achieving their goals (Lee, 2019). the theory has three variables, including expectancy, valence, and instrumentality. Expectancy posits that a person’s effort results from the need to attain the performance goal they desire. As such, a person’s expectancy is addressed by their self-efficacy, goal difficulty, and control (Lee, 2019). Valence denotes the worth that a person sets on the cavalries of a reward, while instrumentality is the notion that a person will be rewarded after achieving the expected performance (Lee, 2019). Applying this theory will motivate the learners by expecting excellent results in their academic performance and being rewarded with a nursing degree at the end of their course, enabling them to land a promising career in nursing.
Evidence-Based Strategies for Class lecture Room and Learner Management
The evidence-based strategies for classroom and learner management will include, first, maximizing structure. This will involve activities like predictable procedures and routines and minimizing distractions and crowding. This can happen by managing traffic flow in the classroom and supervising students adequately (Kuivila et al., 2020). Secondly, it will involve setting expectations and rules. Students must set their expectations, and the instructor will establish what they expect students to accomplish and handle themselves in the classroom. The third strategy will involve an active engagement of students. In this strategy, I will provide high chances for students to respond, conduct direct instructions, and allow peer tutoring. I will grow a community of learners in my classroom (Owens et al., 2020). This strategy will involve setting the mindset of learners towards cooperation for academic achievement. I will also develop respectful and meaningful relationships with the learners. This strategy will help to inspire and motivate students to achieve because they will feel a sense of belonging and know they are valued for who they are.
Brownstein, D. (2013). Enabling Self-Directed Learning through Journaling. The New Hampshire Journal of Education.
Khaksar, M., Dortaj, F., Ebrahimi Ghavam Abadi, S., & Sadipour, E. (2018). Designing and validating a school-based educational package based on the choice theory and determining its effect on academic buoyancy. Journal of Educational Psychology Studies, 15(31), 111-144.
Kuivila, H. M., Mikkonen, K., Sjögren, T., Koivula, M., Koskimäki, M., Männistö, M., … & Kääriäinen, M. (2020). Health science student teachers’ perceptions of teacher competence: A qualitative study.84, 104210.
Lee, H. W. (2019). Moderators of the motivational effects of performance management: A comprehensive exploration based on expectancy theory. Public Personnel Management, 48(1), 27-55.
Locke, E. & Latham, P. (2019). The Creation of goal-setting theory: A half-century retrospective. Motivation Science, 5(2), 93.
Milford, T. & Kiddell, R. B. (2020). Glasser’s Choice Theory and Science Education in British Columbia. (pp. 29-43). Springer, Cham.
Moore, R. L. (2020). Developing lifelong learning with heutagogy: contexts, critiques, and challenges. Distance Education, 41(3), 381-401.
Owens, D. C., Sadler, T. D., Barlow, A. T., & Smith-Walters, C. (2020). Student motivation from and resistance to active learning rooted in essential science practices. Research in Science Education, 50(1), 253-277.
MSN FPX 6105 Teaching and Active Learning Strategies Assessment 2 Management and Motivation KP
Paric, M., Kaihlanen, A. M., Heponiemi, T., & Czabanowska, K. (2021). Nurse teacher’s perceptions on teaching cultural competence to students in Finland: a descriptive qualitative study. Nurse Education Today, 99, 104787.
Rao, B. J. (2019). Innovative Teaching Pedagogy in Nursing Education. International Journal of Nursing Education, 11(4).
Thibault, G. E. (2020). The future of health professions education: Emerging trends in the United States. FASEB advances, 2(12), 685.