Essay LED 402 Module 2 Discussion TUI

LED 402 Module 2 Discussion TUI
Discussion Topic
Continuing with the theme of the Module 1 Discussion, do some diagnosis of a conversation from your favorite TV show or movie that demonstrates some aspect of Transactional Analysis. Which character was the “parent” and which one was the “child”? Or did both act like “adults”? Explain how Transactional Analysis applies to this scene. Also, if any of the characters in this show has a blind spot or hidden area, share this diagnosis with the class as well. This post should be within the first few days of the module.
For the second week of the module, start paying close attention to some interactions in your daily life. Did you have any conversations or confrontations that could be analyzed using Transactional Analysis? Did you change your own communication approach based on what you learned in this module about Transactional Analysis?