Essay INT 244 Full Course Discussions GCU

INT 244 Full Course Discussions GCU
INT 244 Topic 1 DQ 1
What are the core beliefs of biblical Christianity that are shared between the three historical forms of Christianity? Cite supporting information from the textbook and topic materials.
INT 244 Topic 1 DQ 2
The author of the course textbook offered his definition of religion. Based on your own spiritual understandings and beliefs, do you agree with this definition? Explain your reasoning. Cite supporting information from the textbook and topic materials.
INT 244 Topic 2 DQ 1
Compare and contrast Orthodox and Reform Judaism with respect to belief in a Creator God and a coming Messiah. Cite supporting information from the textbook and topic materials.
INT 244 Topic 2 DQ 2
Identify key Zoroastrian beliefs and assess the notion that Zoroastrianism may have been influenced by Judaism or vice versa. Cite supporting information from the textbook and topic materials.
INT 244 Topic 3 DQ 1
Consider Muhammad’s leadership and the early development of Islam. To what extent does contemporary Islamic culture adhere to or differ from historic Islam? Cite supporting information from the textbook and topic materials.
INT 244 Topic 3 DQ 2
Identify three key beliefs that the Baha’i religion is founded on and how those beliefs have influenced Baha’i practice and self-understanding. Cite supporting information from the textbook and topic materials.
INT 244 Topic 4 DQ 1
Describe the Three Ways of Hinduism in terms of their ability to provide a sense of meaning, community, and ultimately “moksha; release from samsara and extinction of individuality.”
INT 244 Topic 4 DQ 2
Describe three key beliefs of Jainism and Sikhism. How similar are these beliefs to those found in Hinduism? Cite supporting information from the textbook and topic materials.
INT 244 Topic 5 DQ 1
Identify three different schools of Buddhism. How are these schools similar in their beliefs and practices? How do they differ? Cite supporting information from the textbook and topic materials.
INT 244 Topic 5 DQ 2
Explain the notion of “self” from both a Buddhist and Christian perspective. How do these two perspectives vastly differ? How are they similar? Cite supporting information from the textbook and topic materials.
INT 244 Topic 6 DQ 1
Consider the importance of ancestor veneration in Chinese tradition. Is it possible to incorporate aspects of this tradition within Christian practice in a Chinese context? Explain why or why not. Cite supporting information from the textbook and topic materials.
INT 244 Topic 6 DQ 2
Give an example of how Shinto beliefs and practices have influenced Japanese culture. Cite supporting information from the textbook and topic materials.
INT 244 Topic 7 DQ 1
Identify key concepts of both African Traditional Religion and Native American religions. Based on these concepts, what similarities are there among these two groups? How do they differ? Cite supporting information from the textbook and topic materials.
INT 244 Topic 7 DQ 2
In what sense does the Christian tradition share aspects of traditional religions such as Native American and African traditions? In what sense is the Christian tradition different from these traditional religions? Based on this understanding, how can Christians enhance their interactions with those who adhere to these traditional religious beliefs and practices?