Essay HIT 120 Introduction to Health Services and Information Systems DeVry

HIT 120 Introduction to Health Services and Information Systems DeVry
HIT 120 Week 1 Healthcare in the US
This week, we will focus on gaining a better understanding of health information profession, as well as coding and billing. As you complete your weekly readings, listen to the weekly lecture, read the weekly lessons and complete the weekly check points.
- Read the Real-World Case 1.1 (at the end of Chapter 1). Also, read Chapter 1 and listen to Week 1 lesson or lesson recording. Then, discuss: How are computerization and electronic health records changing the roles of the HIM staff? What changes would you expect from the centralization of HIM functions? What is your view of the HIM, coding, and billing professions in terms of the careers available?
- Discuss the transformation of the health information management profession from the early 20th century to today.
- Read another student’s response and post a comment. Your comment can add to their discussion, supplement with additional information, or present another point of view. It is not enough to simply post “agree” or “great job!”
Your discussion deliverables should include:
- Two written responses discussing any of the topics above. Make sure you write the topic you are responding to at the beginning of your response.
- A third written response of your choice. This can be about:
- The third topic you did not address already. If you go with this option, make sure you identify which topic you are addressing.
- Response to a new question or probe posted by the professor during the week. Start by stating which question or probe you are addressing and make sure you click under that particular thread.
- Further explanation or elaboration on another student’s response. Start by stating which student’s response you are addressing and make sure you click under that particular thread.
- Sharing of relevant experiences or examples that support the issue being discussed. Explain which concepts you are illustrating with your example.
For a high-quality response, please make sure to provide details and explanations and use your own words. Please DO NOT plagiarize (do not copy the textbook or do not copy information from the internet.) It’s OK to write in simple terms; the most important outcome is to practice you writing and presentation skills, reflect your knowledge about this week’s content, and demonstrating professionalism. This will help with retention in the long-term. Don’t forget to use proper grammar and spelling, as well as references for the additional resources you use.
Check your knowledge by answering the following questions. After completing all the questions, click the Submit Quiz button at the bottom of the page.
Check your knowledge by answering the following questions. After completing all the questions, click the Submit Quiz button at the bottom of the page.
Check your knowledge by answering the following questions. After completing all the questions, click the Submit Quiz button at the bottom of the page.
HIT 120 Week 2 Accreditation, Licensure, and Certification of Healthcare Organizations
This week, we will focus on gaining a better understanding of healthcare delivery systems in the United States, hospital structure, and various healthcare professions, including health information management, coding, and billing. As you complete your weekly readings, listen to the weekly lecture, read the weekly lessons and complete the weekly check points.
- Read the Real-World Case 2.1 (at the end of Chapter 2). Then, summarize the case very briefly in your own words. In what type of settings was Marsha seen? How could the length of time from diagnosis to surgery have been reduced for Marsha? What are some ways that Marsha could have shared her information between all of the facilities? What could her providers have done to make the sharing of information easier for Marsha?
- Discuss in detail one of the major pieces of legislation passed by Congress. See pages 26-29 in your textbook.
- Read another student’s response and post a comment. Your comment can add to their discussion, supplement with additional information, or present another point of view. It is not enough to simply post “agree” or “great job!”
Your discussion deliverables should include:
- Two written responses discussing any of the topics above. Make sure you write the topic you are responding to at the beginning of your response.
- A third written response of your choice. This can be about:
- The third topic you did not address already. If you go with this option, make sure you identify which topic you are addressing.
- Response to a new question or probe posted by the professor during the week. Start by stating which question or probe you are addressing and make sure you click under that particular thread.
- Further explanation or elaboration on another student’s response. Start by stating which student’s response you are addressing and make sure you click under that particular thread.
- Sharing of relevant experiences or examples that support the issue being discussed. Explain which concepts you are illustrating with your example.
For a high-quality response, please make sure to provide details and explanations and use your own words. Please DO NOT plagiarize (do not copy the textbook or do not copy information from the internet.) It’s OK to write in simple terms; the most important outcome is to practice you writing and presentation skills, reflect your knowledge about this week’s content, and demonstrating professionalism. This will help with retention in the long-term. Don’t forget to use proper grammar and spelling, as well as references for the additional resources you use.
The first deliverable for the Course Project is due this week. Your first deliverable consists of the name and website of the chosen Electronic Health Record (EHR). For complete details on the first deliverable, please refer to the Course Project guidelines. Name the document Week2 CourseProject_YOURNAME and submit. You will be given feedback to make sure that you are on the right track for this assignment.
Don’t forget to submit your assignment.
Check your knowledge by answering the following questions. After completing all the questions, click the Submit Quiz button at the bottom of the page.
Check your knowledge by answering the following questions. After completing all the questions, click the Submit Quiz button at the bottom of the page.
Check your knowledge by answering the following questions. After completing all the questions, click the Submit Quiz button at the bottom of the page.
HIT 120 Week 3 The Health Record Purposes and Functions
This week, we will discuss various functions within the health information management department. In preparation for these discussions, complete your weekly reading and listen to the weekly lecture. In addition,
- Go to and explore the web page by focusing on the career map, the salary study, student membership, and other links of interest; and
- Check out the certification tab at and learn about the various certifications available.
Then, discuss the following:
- Read the Real-World Case 3.1 (at the end of Chapter 3). Briefly summarize the situation and identify the users of health records in the case. What function is being addressed? What role can the consultants play in the MPI cleanup? Why did the facility find itself in this situation and what could they have done to prevent it?
- Discuss your current career plans within the health information profession. What skills do you think you already possess, and what do you need to work on in order to successfully pursue the desired career?
- Read another student’s response and post a comment. Your comment can add to their discussion, supplement with additional information, or present another point of view. It is not enough to simply post “agree” or “great job!”
Your discussion deliverables should include:
- Two written responses discussing any of the topics above. Make sure you write the topic you are responding to at the beginning of your response.
- A third written response of your choice. This can be about:
- The third topic you did not address already. If you go with this option, make sure you identify which topic you are addressing.
- Response to a new question or probe posted by the professor during the week. Start by stating which question or probe you are addressing and make sure you click under that particular thread.
- Further explanation or elaboration on another student’s response. Start by stating which student’s response you are addressing and make sure you click under that particular thread.
- Sharing of relevant experiences or examples that support the issue being discussed. Explain which concepts you are illustrating with your example.
For a high-quality response, please make sure to provide details and explanations and use your own words. Please DO NOT plagiarize (do not copy the textbook or do not copy information from the internet.) It’s OK to write in simple terms; the most important outcome is to practice you writing and presentation skills, reflect your knowledge about this week’s content, and demonstrating professionalism. This will help with retention in the long-term. Don’t forget to use proper grammar and spelling, as well as references for the additional resources you use.
Check your knowledge by answering the following questions. After completing all the questions, click the Submit Quiz button at the bottom of the page.
Check your knowledge by answering the following questions. After completing all the questions, click the Submit Quiz button at the bottom of the page.
Check your knowledge by answering the following questions. After completing all the questions, click the Submit Quiz button at the bottom of the page.
HIT 120 Week 4 Introduction to Healthcare Information Systems
This week, we will focus on gaining a better understanding of healthcare information. As you complete your weekly readings and listen to the weekly lecture, discuss the following:
- Read the Real-World Case 11.1 (at the end of Chapter 11). Share a brief summary of your understanding of the scenario. What is the standard format in which John’s hometown physician can send referral information to his new PCP? Why does John use a standalone personal health record (PHR) instead of one from his provider? When John is hospitalized, what core EHR component enables medication allergy checking?
- Listen to Week 4 Lecture recording and summarize what you learned about healthcare information systems in 1-2 paragraphs.
- Read another student’s response and post a comment. Your comment can add to their discussion, supplement with additional information, or present another point of view. It is not enough to simply post “agree” or “great job!”
- Reply to any of the many discussion posts that I make. These discussions posts that I make will expand on course concepts that you should be aware of for the week in play and be able to apply relevant course concepts to answer/respond.
Your discussion deliverables should include:
- Two written responses discussing any of the topics above. Make sure you write the topic you are responding to at the beginning of your response.
- A third written response of your choice. This can be about:
- The third topic you did not address already. If you go with this option, make sure you identify which topic you are addressing.
- Response to a new question or probe posted by the professor during the week. Start by stating which question or probe you are addressing and make sure you click under that particular thread.
- Further explanation or elaboration on another student’s response. Start by stating which student’s response you are addressing and make sure you click under that particular thread.
- Sharing of relevant experiences or examples that support the issue being discussed. Explain which concepts you are illustrating with your example.
For a high-quality response, please make sure to provide details and explanations and use your own words. Please DO NOT plagiarize (do not copy the textbook or do not copy information from the internet.) It’s OK to write in simple terms; the most important outcome is to practice you writing and presentation skills, reflect your knowledge about this week’s content, and demonstrating professionalism. This will help with retention in the long-term. Don’t forget to use proper grammar and spelling, as well as references for the additional resources you use.
Check your knowledge by answering the following questions. After completing all the questions, click the Submit Quiz button at the bottom of the page.
Check your knowledge by answering the following questions. After completing all the questions, click the Submit Quiz button at the bottom of the page.
Check your knowledge by answering the following questions. After completing all the questions, click the Submit Quiz button at the bottom of the page.
HIT 120 Week 5 Fundamentals of Information Systems
The ONC-maintained Health IT Dashboard is a platform to distribute a broad range of health system and grant program performance measures tracking the adoption and meaningful use of various health information technologies (health IT) including EHRs and other enabling HIE.
The interactive tool provides the user with several ways to parse and examine the data visually. The data are derived from ONC programs, research, and the open government datasets. For example, under the category of exchange and interoperability are two choices: one for nonfederal acute care hospital health IT adoption and another for office-based physician health IT adoption. Each one visualizes meaningful use measures of health IT adoption: 14 measures for hospitals and 9 measures for physicians. These measures include adoption of EHRs, HIEs, and patient engagement.
Discussion activities:
- Explore the health IT dashboard at: (Links to an external site.)
- Chose a measure area (by clicking on the one of the three options on the upper left area of the dashboard – EHR Adoption, Health Information Exchange and Interoperability, or Patient Engagement).
- Chose an measure by clicking on the menu bar on the upper right of the dashboard.
- Check the square box “Click to display % labels” to make it easier to understand the data in the map.
- Focus your attention on a few of the states and comment on how well they have met the measure selected.
Repeat the process by selecting a different “measure area” and/or a different “measure”, and check some of the states again. Write your understanding of what you observed by exploring the map on the health IT dashboard.
Check your knowledge by answering the following questions. After completing all the questions, click the Submit Quiz button at the bottom of the page.
Check your knowledge by answering the following questions. After completing all the questions, click the Submit Quiz button at the bottom of the page.
Check your knowledge by answering the following questions. After completing all the questions, click the Submit Quiz button at the bottom of the page.
HIT 120 Week 6 Ethical Issues in Health Information Technology
This week, we will focus on discussing some basic concepts pertaining to ethics in healthcare, through the Real-World Case 21.1 (at the end of Chapter 21).
Kelly was a new coder who had never held an HIM job before. She had just graduated from college and passed her RHIT when she was hired by a local clinic and was so excited to start working. A few weeks later, her manager asked to meet with her. The manager closed the door and told Kelly that she wanted her to code charts for a particular procedure using two codes instead of one so the reimbursement would be higher. The manager then proceeded to divulge information that the clinic was struggling financially so anything extra would help. Kelly got the impression that if she did not comply they would let her go; and she really needed this job. Also, since it was her boss asking, she felt obligated to do as she was told.
- Summarize the case in a few words. What are the ethical issues associated with this case? Identify the ethical question. What are the facts? Who are the stakeholders? What are the options? What is the decision (HIM values at stake)? What justifies the choice? What can be done in terms of prevention so issue is not repeated?
- Listen to Week 6 Lecture recording and explain the difference between law and ethics. Also, share an example of an ethical scenario you have experienced or observed and analyze it based on the ethical decision-making matrix.
- Read another student’s response and post a comment. Your comment can add to their discussion, supplement with additional information, or present another point of view. It is not enough to simply post “agree” or “great job!”
- Reply to any of the many discussion posts that I make. These discussions posts that I make will expand on course concepts that you should be aware of for the week in play and be able to apply relevant course concepts to answer/respond.
Your discussion deliverables should include:
- Two written responses discussing any of the topics above. Make sure you write the topic you are responding to at the beginning of your response.
- A third written response of your choice. This can be about:
- The third topic you did not address already. If you go with this option, make sure you identify which topic you are addressing.
- Response to a new question or probe posted by the professor during the week. Start by stating which question or probe you are addressing and make sure you click under that particular thread.
- Further explanation or elaboration on another student’s response. Start by stating which student’s response you are addressing and make sure you click under that particular thread.
- Sharing of relevant experiences or examples that support the issue being discussed. Explain which concepts you are illustrating with your example.
For a high-quality response, please make sure to provide details and explanations and use your own words. Please DO NOT plagiarize (do not copy the textbook or do not copy information from the internet.) It’s OK to write in simple terms; the most important outcome is to practice you writing and presentation skills, reflect your knowledge about this week’s content, and demonstrating professionalism. This will help with retention in the long-term. Don’t forget to use proper grammar and spelling, as well as references for the additional resources you use.
Check your knowledge by answering the following questions. After completing all the questions, click the Submit Quiz button at the bottom of the page.
Check your knowledge by answering the following questions. After completing all the questions, click the Submit Quiz button at the bottom of the page.
Check your knowledge by answering the following questions. After completing all the questions, click the Submit Quiz button at the bottom of the page.
HIT 120 Week 7 Performance Improvement
Students must share a draft PowerPoint presentation of their course project. The PowerPoint should cover all of the deliverables. Your PowerPoint should be between 10-15 slides. In addition, students must provide feedback based on the course project requirements and grading criteria to 2 students. These peer reviews will be similar to discussions.
This week, we will focus reviewing for next week’s CAHIIM Domain Check Points. You are encouraged to review and respond to as many questions as possible; however, for full credit, at least respond to three questions throughout the week. Let’s start this discussion with the following three questions:
- What are some of the typical/traditional roles of coders and health information professionals? How about some new roles and positions that have lately emerged?
- What are some of the health information functions? Describe one of them in greater details.
- Read another student’s response and post a comment. Your comment can add to their discussion, supplement with additional information, or present another point of view. It is not enough to simply post “agree” or “great job!”
Your discussion deliverables should include:
- Two written responses discussing any of the topics above. Make sure you write the topic you are responding to at the beginning of your response.
- A third written response of your choice. This can be about:
- The third topic you did not address already. If you go with this option, make sure you identify which topic you are addressing.
- Response to a new question or probe posted by the professor during the week. Start by stating which question or probe you are addressing and make sure you click under that particular thread.
- Further explanation or elaboration on another student’s response. Start by stating which student’s response you are addressing and make sure you click under that particular thread.
- Sharing of relevant experiences or examples that support the issue being discussed. Explain which concepts you are illustrating with your example.
For a high-quality response, please make sure to provide details and explanations and use your own words. Please DO NOT plagiarize (do not copy the textbook or do not copy information from the internet.) It’s OK to write in simple terms; the most important outcome is to practice you writing and presentation skills, reflect your knowledge about this week’s content, and demonstrating professionalism. This will help with retention in the long-term. Don’t forget to use proper grammar and spelling, as well as references for the additional resources you use.
Before attempting this quiz:
- Watch the Week 7 Program Orientation video and obtain the password.
- Log in and explore Career Services Resources using the following instructions: HireDeVry 2.0 Student Guide.pdf
HIT 120 Week 8 Course Project
Students should update their PowerPoint presentation based on feedback from the week 7 peer review discussion and their professor. PowerPoints should be between 10-15 slides. Name the PowerPoint Week8 CourseProject_YOURNAME and submit.
Please note that the CAHIIM domains are tied to the AHIMA Certification Exams.
Please note that the CAHIIM domains are tied to the AHIMA Certification Exams.
Please note that the CAHIIM domains are tied to the AHIMA Certification Exams.
Please note that the CAHIIM domains are tied to the AHIMA Certification Exams.