Essay Herzing NU 610 Unit 5 Discussion Levels of Prevention

Essay Herzing NU 610 Unit 5 Discussion Levels of Prevention

Essay Herzing NU 610 Unit 5 Discussion Levels of Prevention
Essay Herzing NU 610 Unit 5 Discussion Levels of Prevention

Herzing NU 610 Unit 5 Discussion Levels of Prevention

Unit 5 Discussion Levels of Prevention

Initial Discussion Question

A 32-year-old female presents for an evaluation of a lump in her right breast that she found on breast self-examination. The lump is found to be 2cm in size, firm, and mobile. No Adenopothy noted.

  • What are two questions you would ask this patient?
  • What are two risk factors would you want to assess for?
  • What are the levels of prevention for this patient?

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