Essay Herzing NU 500 Unit 3 Discussion 2 Patterns of Knowing

Essay Herzing NU 500 Unit 3 Discussion 2 Patterns of Knowing

Essay Herzing NU 500 Unit 3 Discussion 2 Patterns of Knowing
Essay Herzing NU 500 Unit 3 Discussion 2 Patterns of Knowing

Herzing NU 500 Unit 3 Discussion 2 Patterns of Knowing

Unit 3 Discussion 2 Patterns of Knowing

Discussion Question

Please read the following introduction and complete the following steps for your initial discussion post:

In the Chinn and Kramer (2018) reading, chapter 5, the authors discuss personal knowing and its impact on nursing theory and nursing practice. Consider professional development of nursing and apply the concepts of personal knowing on the development of nursing practice.

Please respond to all of the following:

  • What is personal knowing; how does your personal knowing affect your personal professional development?
  • Identify and discuss 2 professional strengths and 2 weaknesses that you have?
  • How can you apply nursing theory to address your weaknesses and further develop your strengths?
  • Be sure to supplement your discussion with your personal and professional experiences.

Responses need to address all components of the question, demonstrate critical thinking and analysis, and include peer reviewed journal evidence to support the student’s position.
Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.
Please review the rubric to ensure that your response meets the criteria.

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