Essay Herzing NU 451 Unit 7 Assessment Latest

Herzing NU 451 Unit 7 Assessment Latest
Unit 7 Assessment
Team Building Project Presentation
For this assignment, you will be creating a team building presentation in PowerPoint based on your coursework in unit 6. You will also participate in the peer evaluation and review of 2 other students’ completed team building PowerPoint presentations. Please pay close attention to the submission instructions.
Please complete the following:
Create a PPT presentation of your assignment and plan from WEEK 6. Include type of unit, the mix of workers, generational diversity, assessment of function as a team, plan to improve team functioning, including outcomes to achieve.
This is to be a 10-15 slide presentation.
Add presenter notes to the slide which enhance the content of the slides, as if you were presenting to a group, and this is your script. In PPT, access “notes view” to see the presenter notes boxes.
Slides should not contain paragraphs of narrative. They should contain only bullet points or brief explanations. The longer narratives go in your presenter notes.
Create a reference slide and include all the references used in the presentation.
4-5 references are required.
Include citations on the slides.
For format and guidelines for PPT presentations check out the Purdue Online Writing Lab web site at: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Submission Instructions:
Submit your Team Building PPT to the second Discussion board (to share your knowledge with your peers.
Provide the peer review/critiquesPreview the document (doc) on the second discussion board by attaching the completed peer review form for two different student submissions.
Submit the completed PPT to your ePortfolio under tab #4. A zero will be given for this assignment if it is not uploaded to the eportfolio as directed.