Essay Herzing NU 451 Unit 6 Assessment Latest

Herzing NU 451 Unit 6 Assessment Latest
Unit 6 Assessment
Team Building Project
Read the article, “Multigenerational Challenges: Team-Building for Positive Clinical Workforce Outcomes “Preview the document (pdf)
For this assignment, you will be writing a paper and addressing the following:
Using the information in the article, assess the mix of personnel on your floor/unit in your workplace.
Describe your workforce, in terms of generational diversity. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of their work abilities as you have seen them.
Assess this group’s functioning as a team. Use the information in your readings and in the current literature to describe what makes a functional team.
If you were the leader, describe a plan to coalesce this group into a functional team. Use the article and other readings for this information.
Apply transformational leadership strategies to your plan, and state the outcomes you would like to see.
Paper Requirements:
This paper will be 6-8 pages long, with at least 6 references, in APA format.
It will have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion, a cover page, and a reference page.
Use APA headings to separate sections.
Upload to your eportfolio tab #4. A zero will be given if the assignment is not uploaded to your eportfolio.