Essay HA 610 Full Course Assignments Herzing University

HA 610 Full Course Assignments Herzing University
HA 610 Unit 1 Assignment Finding Balance
Introduce yourself to your classmates and to me. Write using first person, such as—Hello class, my name is ME, and I want to tell you a little bit about myself and why I am interested in healthcare administration…
Within the context of your introduction, share your perspective on the importance of “finding balance” between the roles of healthcare delivery providers, such as nurses and assorted clinicians in a hospital environment next to the business/financial component that drives variables such as costs, length of stay, discharge protocols, admit/surgical denials, and any others. Further consider that there is (or should be) a synergy among/between patient care providers and bean counters, yet it requires money to keep the beds open and salaries paid—just as it takes the care provided by trained professionals on the units. How effective is writing “policy” on matters such as these?
This first assignment should be at least two pages in length, double spaced, 12 point font, and the title page is not part of the page count. If you cite, be sure to include your sources within the essay, and at the end in a separate Reference List. However, because this assignment is more of an opportunity to opine, sources are not mandatory. Proofread your work for organization, spelling, grammar, flow, style and mechanics. Double check the rubric to ensure that you have included all of the required criteria.
Follow proper naming conventions when saving your file:
Unit #_Title_Your Name
Example: Unit2_Writing a Prompt_Jane Doe
Evaluation Criteria
You will be evaluated on your ability to complete the following tasks according to points designated:
10 points – Introduce yourself
20 points – Identify and analyze a problem
20 points – Outline and analyze proposed solutions
20 points – Explain the background of the issue including its history and previous attempts to address the problem
10 points – Name any inherent values that need to be assessed
10 points – Determine the resources, both financial and human, needed to bring the issue forward and to reach a resolution
10 points – Describe a plan of action or policy based on your conclusions
HA 610 Unit 2 Assignment Legislative Issues
Purpose: To provide students with the opportunity to explore a current health legislative issue that relates to a health disparity at the state or national level.
In your syllabus under written assignment for your research paper you are asked to focus on one dimension of performance of the United States health care delivery system. The student is expected to perform a thorough search of the literature, the media, and discussions with stakeholders such as legislators, consumers, and other health care professionals about your chosen focus of the health care delivery system. You will prepare an 8 to 10 slide PowerPoint presentation with text notes added that will present the following areas of the selected health issue:
What is the current legislative or regulatory issue, and why is it being debated?
Who is most affected by the legislation?
What are the current socioeconomic, political, cultural, and ethical issues surrounding this topic?
Who are the stakeholders?
Evaluation Criteria
You will be graded on your ability to respond to the following questions in a comprehensive manner that demonstrates an understanding of the legislative process that focuses on the selected health disparity and the implications of the policy for nursing and/or health care executives.
20 points – What is the current legislative or regulatory issue, and why is it being debated?
20 points – Who is most affected by the legislation?
20 points – What are the current socioeconomic, political, cultural, and ethical issues surrounding this topic?
20 points – Who are the stakeholders?
20 points – Clarity, organization of the presentation
HA 610 Unit 4 Assignment Memo
You are the Chief Operating Officer of a large healthcare system, composed of acute, long-term care, and community-based organizations in addition to long-term care managed care plans.
Given your current studies in health policy and management, the Chief Executive Officer of this large healthcare system has requested that you prepare a high-level briefing for the system’s Board of Directors in which you describe:
(a) factors that have contributed to dramatic growth in health care spending over the past 50 years; and
(b) how health care payment and delivery models are transforming to promote greater accountability for cost and quality in the health care system.
Please conclude your memo with your analysis of the most promising approaches for constraining cost growth while maintaining or improving quality, as well as the limitations or open questions that accompany new reimbursement and delivery models that are intended to promote “accountable care.”
The memo must be four pages in length. Please include references to course readings as well as any relevant outside sources that support your analysis. Citations and a references page (not included in page length) are required.
**You must use a recognizable memorandum format for this exercise—and it is recommended that subject areas be segmented using sub headers. Include your institution’s logo on the first page of the memo (fictitious). Be creative.
To: [Audience]
From: [Person and/or Department issuing the memo]
Date: [Date Sent]
Subject: [Subject of the Memo]
[Opening – Get to the point in the opening paragraph. Keep things simple and short. Make it easy and fast to read. Visit the Memo Template page on for more tips. ]
[Summary – Summarize any historical or contextual information needed to support the opening paragraph.]
[Conclusion – End with a call to action.]
CC: [Send copies to anyone affected by the memo.]
Attachments: [List any attachments to the memo. Only list items referred to in the body of the m
HA 610 Unit 6 Assignment Research Presentation
In at least a three to four-student team (some teams may vary in the number of student partners due to class size), please prepare 20 slides on the topics that follow.
*Imagine that you and your coworkers/colleagues are delivering a presentation at the Annual Conference of Healthcare Executives in Orlando, Florida.
Prepare a 20-slide PowerPoint presentation with presenter’s notes in which you focus on a single dimension of performance of the US health care delivery system. Please examine how performance on this dimension is influenced by the organization and financing of health care in the United States and behavior of key health system stakeholders, what must be improved or reformed to achieve performance gains in your selected area, and the implications of your analysis for health policy and management. You may focus on performance in a broadly-defined area (such as quality of care, cost or access to care, balancing internal/external costs, dealing with regulatory agencies,) or you may define your focus more narrowly within one of these categories (e.g., quality of care for chronically-ill elderly patients, cost-effectiveness of new medical technologies, access to specialized care for low-income populations). In your analysis, please consider all stakeholders relevant to your specified focus—providers, payers and purchasers, patients, communities, policy-makers, and other groups that play a role in performance in your focal area—and be sure to examine performance and implications for reform at both the policy and delivery system levels.
The presentation must be 20 slides in length. Please include references to course readings as well as any relevant outside sources that support your analysis. Citations and a references page (not included in slide length) are required.
Each team member must submit your team’s collective presentation individually—although your team will receive the same score based on the quality and creativity of the collective demonstration. Remember to work as a team—and communicate with each other throughout the term. You will be placed into teams during Unit 2—and I strongly urge you to begin working on this project right away—meaning, don’t wait until the last minute to begin.
**Be sure to include “presenter’s notes” at the base of each slide. Further, work together so that every one on your team “keeps the balance” (remember assignment one/unit one)—so, you may want to appoint a “team leader” early in the process. Every duty is important, so it’s up to you to phone/text each other, e-mail each other, share research, slide templates, anything/everything needed to make this demonstration a cohesive, collective endeavor—and because this project carries significant point value in this course, it must be your absolute best work. Remember that your presentation shouldn’t look like a writing assignment—it’s PowerPoint—a visual program, so use its features, but keep it professional at the same time. Further, use charts, graphs, tables to convey your information/data as well. Again, I must be able to read your speakers notes at the bottom of each slide; however, slides should not be too wordy—and if they are, they are virtually unreadable if sitting in an audience. Use bullet points and imagery to convey your info in conjunction with the speakers notes that explain (to me) what you are presenting. Have fun with this one, too!
**Find the balance–meaning, your presentation must represent both the clinical and administrative perspectives on these issues.**
Use the Unit 6 required resources to help you with this assignment.
Evaluation Criteria
100 points – Quality and depth of research
100 points – Appearance and professional construct of slides
50 points – Completeness of presenter’s notes
50 points – Cohesiveness of presentation and the presence of team work
HA 610 Unit 7 Assignment Capstone Demonstration on Policies and Regulations
In this unit you have an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and insight of health policy at a “capstone level.” Please visit one of the health care management or nursing feedback websites, and read one or more current or past regulations or policies—and with your enlightened understanding on how important it is that regulations and policies be kept “current” in the context of our rapidly changing society and health care system, post a feedback remark onto a site of your choice (examples below); and to earn points for this assignment, save and upload comment(s) you posted. Make sure that your comment(s) are substantive and articulately expressed. Consequently, post no fewer than 250 words and no more than 500 words of verbiage to the site. Copy/paste your remarks onto a Word document and submit them to the Unit 7 Assignment. Be sure to include a title page and a reference list—if references were used to support your post.
You can use any of the websites listed below or a different website.
Enjoy the fact that you’ve added viable input to entities where positive “change” can be considered and quite possibly implemented.
Evaluation Criteria
50 points – Content
20 points – Presentation
Assignment Resources
Office for Human Research Protections (Links to an external site.) [Website] (Links to an external site.) [Website]
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (Links to an external site.) [Website]
American Nurses Association (Links to an external site.) [Website]
US National Library of Medicine (Links to an external site.) [Website]
US Department of Veterans Affairs (Links to an external site.) [Website]