Essay CIS 247A Week 1 iLab Creating a User Interface

CIS 247A Week 1 iLab Creating a User Interface
Scenario and Summary
This program creates the basic user interface code that can be used, in the following week’s iLab assignments. The assignment will help you get started using the programming environment and some practice with coding. You will also be able to re-use much, if not all, of the code in later assignments.
In this program, you will create the following methods:
- DisplayApplicationInformation, which will provide the program user some basic information about the program.
- DisplayDivider, which will provide a meaningful output separator between different sections of the program output.
- GetInput, which is a generalized function that will prompt the user for a specific type of information, then return the string representation of the user input.
- TerminateApplication, which provides a program termination message.
Using these methods, you will construct a program that prompts the user for the following:
- Their name, which will be a string data type
- Their age, which will be an integer data type
- The gas mileage for their car, which will be a double data type
- Display of the collected information
Also, note that the program should contain a well document program header. Deliverables
Before you post your lab in the dropbox, copy your entire program into a Notepad file and post that. I do not need you to zip the project or give me screen shots of the output.
- If you are using the Citrix remote lab, follow the login instructions located in the iLab tab in Course Home.
- Locate the Visual Studio 2010 icon and launch the program.
STEP 1: Review the Design
Download the program description and pseudocode. Make sure you fully understand the program design and ask any questions that you may have BEFORE you start programming.
STEP 2: Construct the Program
- Start Visual Studio and create a new project titled “CIS247_WK1_Lab_LASTNAME”
- Using the Week 1 Lab Design construct the methods
- Once the methods are constructed, use the Week 1 Lab Design document to create the Main
STEP 3: Compile and Test
- When done, compile your code by clicking on Build->Build Solution. Then debug any errors until your code is error-free. If you click on the error in the Error Window, it takes you to the statement in your code, which produced the error. You can then click on F1, which launches the Microsoft Help Library, to see additional information and possible suggestions on how to fix your error.
- To execute your code, click Start and then Start Debugging. Check your output to ensure that you have the desired output. If you need to fix anything, close your execution window, modify your code as necessary, and rebuild.
- Create a test plan in order to make sure your application runs properly. A test plan is a series of tests you choose to perform, where you predefine the input values and write down the expected output. When you execute your code given the input values, your program should display the expected output. If it does not, this means you need to review your code and correct any mistakes. Creating several scenarios, based on the program complexity, ensures that your code runs properly.
- Execute your code and check your output to ensure that you have the desired output. If you need to fix anything, close your execution window, modify your code as necessary, and rebuild.
STEP 4: Screen Prints
The output of your program should resemble the following: Image Description
STEP 5: Submit Deliverables
- Before you post your lab in the dropbox, copy your entire program into a Notepad file and post that. I do not need you to zip the project or give me screen shots of the output.
- Submit your lab to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these Step-by-Step Instructions or watch this Dropbox Tutorial. See Syllabus “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.