Essay BIOS 267 Week 6 Endocrine System, Nervous System, and Psychiatric Disorders

BIOS 267 Week 6 Endocrine System, Nervous System, and Psychiatric Disorders
A prevalent hormonal/blood glucose level condition is Diabetes Mellitus. One often reads that Diabetes Mellitus Type II is hereditary because it tends to run in families. However, unless one can point to a “diabetes gene” that can be inherited, the question remains an open one. What are the risk factors for DMII? Compare/contrast Diabetes Mellitus Type I to Diabetes Mellitus Type II at the cellular and chemical levels. Can you see any reason/explanation why members of the same family might be more prone to developing this disease, even if it is not hereditary? Please include APA citations for any sources used.
Submit a draftof your narrated Course Project Presentation into the week 6 Course Project Peer Review Discussion.
Tips for creating the narration in your PowerPoint presentation:
- AFTER you build your side show and save as a .pptx file, you will then record over those slides using the slide show button at top/scroll to “record slide show”.
- Click on Start Recording, and use arrows to move slides at your own pace, narrating when appropriate.
- When you are done, be sure to save the document and attach to your Discussion.
Everyone is required to view 3 presentations, other than their own, and provide thorough feedback. Be sure to mention 2-3 strengths of the PowerPoint as well as 2-3 areas where they can improve to make their Project stronger, clearer, and more educationally valuable. Simply stating, “Nice job, well done” is not sufficient.
- Submit your Power Point Presentation rough draft to the Discussions by Wednesday at the latest. You cannot receive peer review points in this discussion without first submitting your rough draft.
- Review the Power Point Presentations submitted by the other classmates in the course (at minimum each individual should evaluate 3 Power Point Presentations).
- Offer your evaluation as a response in the discussion
Examples of quality posts include:
- Providing additional information to the discussion;
- Elaborating on previous comments from others;
- Presenting explanations of concepts or methods to help fellow students,
- Presenting reasons for or against a topic in a persuasive fashion,
- Sharing your own personal experiences that relate to the topic, and
- Providing a URL and explanation for an area you researched on the Internet with DATE of publication
For additional information, please go to: your Student Resource Center Tab in CANVAS and locate the Narrated Power point topic.
Here is some information about your quiz.
- This Quiz covers COs 12 and 13, Chapters 18, 19, and 20 in your textbook.
- This Quiz is worth 50 total points, which include the following:
- 25 multiple-choice questions worth 2 points each.
- You have 90 minutes to finish the Quiz.
By submitting this work, I am attesting that it abides by the Student Honor Code.