Essay BIO 101 Module 3 Discussion Genetic Testing TUI

BIO 101 Module 3 Discussion Genetic Testing TUI
Discussion: Genetic Testing
Discussion Topic
Several years ago, a small number of companies in the United States began selling DNA testing kits directly to consumers (referred to as DTC) via the Internet. This market was made possible, in part, by the decreasing costs of genome analysis. DTC testing generally does not produce a full genome sequence, like the Human Genome Project; rather, companies often look at sites in the genome that commonly differ between individuals, known as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Companies offer a broad array of tests that report on a person’s ancestry and health, as well as a number of other traits. Whether people should be able to access their genetic information directly from a company is at the center of an on-going debate amongst doctors, patients, ethicists, politicians and regulatory bodies, such as the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
- Would you want to know more about your own genetic make-up? Why or why not?
- Should people be allowed to order a direct-to-consumer kit to learn about their genetic make-up on their own, or should people have to go through a doctor? Explain.
- Should the government regulate the sale of direct-to-consumer genetic tests? Explain.