Essay ANT 100 Module 4 Discussion Stress Management Techniques TUI

ANT 100 Module 4 Discussion Stress Management Techniques TUI
Discussion Topic
Visit the web sites below:
Varvogli, L., & Darviri, C. (2011). Stress management techniques: Evidence-based procedures that reduce stress and promote health. Health Science Journal, 5(2), 74-89. Available in the Trident Online Library.
Lebowitz, D. B. (2016, February 16). 15 scientific tricks to beat stress, anxiety, and fear. Retrieved November 05, 2017, from
As you read the articles about stressors and coping, think about how you currently deal with stressors in your life. For your initial response, discuss and evaluate how well you deal with the top 3 stressors in your life.
Finally, choose a stress-coping technique not discussed in the Module 4 lecture material and write a summary sharing what you learned about this technique and its effectiveness on stress management.