Essay  NU636-7E Advance Pharmacology Full Course Herzing University

Essay NU636-7E Advance Pharmacology Full Course Herzing University

Essay NU636-7E Advance Pharmacology Full Course Herzing University
Essay NU636-7E Advance Pharmacology Full Course Herzing University

NU636-7E Advance Pharmacology Full Course Herzing University

NU636 Unit 1 Discussion 1 – Introduction

This assessment addresses the following learning objective(s):

  • Analyze how policies influence the structure and financing of health care, practice, and health outcomes.


As a way of introducing yourselves to the instructor and your peers, please post the following:

  • Your name and a description of your current position (If not employed, what are your expectations when you complete your program?)
  • How do you see yourself applying knowledge from this course?
  • Post a photo of yourself (self-portrait, family, or action photo)

Answer the following question:

  • With regard to your professional experience, describe how you have felt either positive or negative impacts of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA).

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

The post and responses are valued at 20 points. Please review post and response expectations. Please review the rubric to ensure that your response meets criteria.

Estimated time to complete: 2 Hours

Peer Response: Unit 1, Due Sunday by 11:59 pm CT

Unit 1 Discussion 1 – Introduction


  • Respond to your classmate’s introduction, discuss freely.
  • Reflect on your classmate’s professional experience with PPACA impacts. Do you share similar feelings? Why or why not?

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Estimated time to complete: 1 Hour

NU636 Unit 1 Discussion 2 – Health Policy for U.S. Veterans

This assessment addresses the following learning objective(s):

  • Examine the effect of legal, ethical, and regulatory processes on nursing practices (and/or change to providers), healthcare delivery, and outcomes while maintaining balance with administrative and fiscal responsibilities.


A debate among lawmakers and healthcare advocates persists regarding the condition of the current Veteran’s Administration (VA) and its role to provide significantly better health care and shorter wait times for this growing population segment.

  • Discuss how state and federal policies are (or are not) addressing Veteran healthcare needs.
  • In your personal opinion: Do you advocate for privatization of the VA healthcare system? Please exapain why or why not.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

The post and responses are valued at 20 points. Please review post and response expectations. Please review the rubric to ensure that your response meets criteria.

Estimated time to complete: 2 Hours

NU636 Unit 1 Assignment – Examine Knowledge Framework

This assessment addresses the following learning objective(s):

  • Examine the effect of legal, ethical, and regulatory processes on nursing practices (and/or change to providers), healthcare delivery, and outcomes while maintaining balance with administrative and fiscal responsibilities.


The healthcare industry is made up of diverse people and teams. This includes individuals who create policies, groups who lobby for legislation, and the people and teams who implement and follow laws and policies. For this assignment, you will reflect on your role, past, present, and future, regarding health policies. While research is encouraged for this assignment, in-text citations are not necessary. The purpose of this assignment is to provide your instructor with your knowledge framework and allow you to reflect on your knowledge and identify biases.

In an introductory paragraph, briefly summarize your scope of knowledge regarding health policy, both state/federal, and organizational policies.

In a second paragraph, explain why you wish to develop a deeper understanding of the policy creation, implementation, and assessment process. For example, how will understanding health policy improve your professional practice?

In a closing paragraph, address the following questions:

  • What biases/strong opinions do you have regarding health policy (state, federal, organizational policies)?
  • What caused those biases/opinions to develop (personal experiences, patient interactions, etc.)?
  • How will you respectfully maintain or evolve your bias/opinions as you advance in this course, and your career?
  • What is your primary source of information for staying up-to-date on state and federal health policy (names of publications, websites, organization-disseminated information, etc.)?

APA style should be followed throughout this assignment. Please include a title page.

Research is encouraged, but references and in-text citations are not required.

NU636 Unit 2 Discussion 1 – Patient Panel Regulation

  • Analyze how policies influence the structure and financing of health care, practice, and health outcomes.


Patient panels are developed by individuals with guidance from their organization’s internal experts. In some settings, such as government-run facilities, patient panel structure is more strictly directed.

  • Briefly explain how a patient panel is constructed (for example, in a free-standing primary care clinic). Who is involved in the process? Are internal policies involved?
  • Should patient panel size and diversity be regulated by the government? Explain your position.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

The post and responses are valued at 20 points. Please review post and response expectations. Please review the rubric to ensure that your response meets criteria.

Estimated time to complete: 2 Hours

NU636 Unit 2 Discussion 1 – Patient Panel Regulation


  • Explain how you agree or disagree with your classmate’s assessment of patient panel development.
  • Provide feedback regarding the role of government regulation in panel size and diversity.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Estimated time to complete: 1 Hour

NU636 Unit 2 Discussion 2 – Improving Community Health

This assessment addresses the following learning objective(s):

  • Analyze how policies influence the structure and financing of health care, practice, and health outcomes.


It’s easy to discuss the way things “should be” regarding access to affordable, quality healthcare. But what actions can be taken to enact actual change? For this discussion, you will assume a role of leadership, power, and influence within your community. In this role, you have the ability to propose a program or service that can improve the health of your community. Considering your role, respond to the following question:

Propose one measure that will improve the health of your community, addressing health disparities and socioeconomic factors.

  • Provide a brief summary detailing the need for this measure (this may include a little background on your community/demographics).
  • Briefly explain how you will enact and support the measure.
  • Summarize any push-back you expect to receive (and from whom).
  • Detail what is needed to approve or enact this measure (ex: city council approval, city budget approval, mayoral endorsement, state funding, grants, etc.)

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

The post and responses are valued at 20 points. Please review post and response expectations. Please review the rubric to ensure that your response meets criteria.

Estimated time to complete: 2 Hours

Unit 2 Discussion 2 – Improving Community Health


  • Does your classmate’s proposal seem reasonable, based on the information provided? If you were a “voting member” of their community, would you vote for this measure to be enacted? Explain why or why not.
  • Provide feedback and ask questions about the funding sources and regulation/assessment of this project.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Estimated time to complete: 1 Hour

NU636 Unit 2 Assignment – Examine Financing Charity Care

This assessment addresses the following course objective(s):

  • Examine the effect of legal, ethical, and regulatory processes on nursing practices (and/or change to providers), healthcare delivery, and outcomes while maintaining balance with administrative and fiscal responsibilities.


Length & Format: 8-10 slide PowerPoint presentation with voice over.

Role: Director of Community Care and Outreach

Audience: Internal, hospital leadership team(s)

Topic: Financing Charity Care

Scenario: You have worked for ABC Hospital for several years. Recently, you were promoted to be the Director of Community Care and Outreach. In this role, you are responsible for increasing the hospital’s presence in the community, reaching new patients, and ensuring patients receive effective and coordinated care. You are aware of ABC Hospital’s current issue with charity care: there is no defined policy for who can write off an account, and no defined standards for what qualifies a patient to receive charity care. The billing department has reported multiple complaints due to the lack of a policy, and frustrations from both providers and patients. Your presentation will address how to appropriately utilize the charity care resource of financing.

  • Review the resource within Topic 3Principles and Practices Board Sample 501c(3) Hospital Charity Care and Financial Assistance Policy and Procedures(Links to an external site.). (HFMA, n.d.)
  • Prepare an 8-10 slide PowerPoint presentation, with voiceover. Assume fictional information to develop your content. Address the following points in your presentation:
  • Why ABC Hospital needs and uses charity care
  • Patient demographics and percent of hospital patient population receiving charity care in the last fiscal year (fictional data).
  • Define the issues that have contributed to poor management of the charity care provision.
  • Propose a new way to move forward, providing effective care to patients, utilizing charity care properly. What is different about this approach, then what was happening previously?
  • Using bullet points, clearly define a minimum of three benefits of your plan for moving forward. These benefits should be focused on the financial health of ABC hospital, while balancing the needs of your patient population. These points will be the cornerstone for future development of a policy on charity care.
  • APA style should be followed throughout. A title and reference slide are required. Please include a minimum of three scholarly sources.


PowerPoint presentation including voiceover

Assignment Resource(s)

Healthcare Financial Management Association. (n.d.) Principles and Practices Board Sample 501c(3) Hospital Charity Care and Financial Assistance Policy and Procedures.

Estimated time to complete: 4 hours

NU636 Unit 3 Discussion 1 – COVID-19 Testing Mandate

  • Interpret research, bringing the nursing perspective, alongside perspectives of their administrative colleagues, for policy makers and stakeholders.


Consider the following scenario:

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, state Governors took significant steps to protect residents, including the most vulnerable populations, nursing home residents. In Oklahoma, Governor Kevin Stitt issued policy which required any “staffer” entering a nursing home to produce a negative COVID-19 test result.

Place yourself in the role of a nursing home administrator in this situation, and respond to the following:

  • What are the gaps in this policy? (Policy is italicized above).
  • Does scientific evidence support this approach? Why or why not?
  • Because this is mandated by the state, your facility must comply. Briefly explain how you will ensure compliance, while maintaining integrity of evidence-based practice.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

The post and responses are valued at 40 points. Please review post and response expectations. Please review the rubric to ensure that your response meets criteria.

Estimated time to complete: 2 Hours


  • Did your classmate appropriately identify the gaps in the policy?
  • Did your classmate adequately summarize scientific evidence to support or discredit the structure of this policy?
  • Provide feedback on your classmate’s recommended approach to ensuring compliance.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Estimated time to complete: 1 Hour

NU636 Unit 3 Discussion 2 – Advancing Community Health

This assessment addresses the following learning objective(s):

  • Develop institutional, local, state, and/or federal policy initiatives.


Policies are put into place with the objective of improving quality of life and civic engagement. But is that always the outcome?

Reflect on the community in which you live.

  • Identify three issues impacting the health of your community (ex: diabetes, depression, teen pregnancy).
  • For each issue, briefly summarize the level of government involvement.
  • Could these issues be improved with more, or less, government involvement?
  • Propose solutions to address the three issues.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

The post and responses are valued at 20 points. Please review post and response expectations. Please review the rubric to ensure that your response meets criteria.

Estimated time to complete: 2 Hours


  • Explain why you agree or disagree with the level of government involvement described by your classmate.
  • Are the proposed solutions feasible? Why or why not?

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Estimated time to complete: 1 Hour

NU636 Unit 3 Assignment – Science and Policy Alignment

This assessment addresses the following course objective(s):

  • Interpret research, bringing the nursing perspective, alongside perspectives of their administrative colleagues, for policy makers and stakeholders.


As a healthcare professional, effective communication is an essential skill for you to have. For this assignment, you will synthesize scientific research with relevant health policy, and write a professional editorial piece for public consumption.

Your role: Content contributor for The American Journal of Nursing

Audience: Healthcare professionals, nursing and administrative.

Format: 3-page paper, editorial style. Plus, a cover and reference page. A minimum of three scholarly sources should be included. In-text citations are required. APA style should be followed throughout.

  • Refer to the article Engaging policy in science writing: Patterns and strategies within Unit 3 Topic 2 for additional guidance on using the “push” style of writing.


  • Choose any scientific research topic, with relevant and reliable scholarly sources available for you to review. If your background is clinical, your focus may be heavy on the science or clinical elements. If your background is more administrative, you may choose research which is more closely related to a social issue (such as emergency contraceptives, vaping use, etc.)
  • Choose a policy or proposed policy that directly relates to your area of scientific research.
  • Write an editorial article, approximately 3 pages in length, summarizing the scientific research on your chosen topic, and aligning it with relevant health policy. Explain the need for increased awareness around the topic:
    • Whoneeds to do something about it,
    • Whenaction is needed,
    • Whatthat action could look like, and
    • Whysuch action will positively influence the future of healthcare.


Word document

Assignment Resource(s)

The American Journal of Nursing website:

Ruhl, J. B., Posner, S. M., & Ricketts, T. H. (2019). Engaging policy in science writing: Patterns and strategies. PLoS One, 14(8)

Estimated time to complete: 5 hours

NU636 Unit 4 Discussion 1 – Scope of Practice: Debate

  • Consider the role of government and various professional organizations in the process of planning and implementing policies at managements levels for diverse healthcare environments.


Nurse Practioners (NP) are essential healthcare providers, meeting the needs of communities in both rural and urban settings. The scope of practice for NPs varies by state, ranging from full scope of practice, to reduced, or restricted practice. Review the map and associated information below.

Your instructor will assign you into two groups, each will argue an assigned viewpoint of this issue. Your personal beliefs may differ, and you will need to use evidence to support the position of your group:

Group A – will debate in FAVOR of expanding the scope of practice in the state of Florida.

Group B – will debate in OPPOSITION of expanding the scope of practice in the state of Florida.

Required action:

  • For this discussion (Unit 4, Discussion 1) choose or step up as a “team leader.” The team leader will be responsible for synthesizing the group’s argument and posting to the Unit 5 Discussion board for Comprehensive Arguments. The team leader is not required to contribute resources to Unit 4 Discussion 1. To receive credit for participation, the team leader should respond to peers, facilitating dialog about the resources, as needed.
  • Begin sharing resources and dialog within your team’s discussion board. Your first post must be created by 11:59 pm CST Wednesday, and at least two responses posted by 11:59pm CST Sundayto be eligible for full collaboration points.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

The post and responses are valued at 20 points. Please review post and response expectations. Please review the rubric to ensure that your response meets criteria.

Estimated time to complete: 2 Hours

NU636 Unit 4 Discussion 2 – The Quality-Safety Connection

This assessment addresses the following learning objective(s):

  • Advocate for policies that improve the health of the public and the profession of nursing and health care administration.


Healthcare organizations are continually challenged with delivering high-quality care, while simultaniously creating a culture of safety for both patients and healthcare professionals.

  • Reflect on your experience in healthcare (clinical or administrative). Briefly desrcibe a time when you worked in a culture where safety and quality were effectively balanced and practiced – OR – describe a time when the opposite occurred.
  • As a clinical or administrative leader, how will YOU ensure safety and quality in your department or facility?
    • Provide specific measures in bullet point format.
    • Are policies part of these measures? Why or why not?

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

The post and responses are valued at 20 points. Please review post and response expectations. Please review the rubric to ensure that your response meets criteria.

Estimated time to complete: 2 Hours


  • Assume the role of an employee working under the safety and quality measures, outlined by your classmate.
  • Offer feedback (concerns, kudos, questions) regarding the measures, and policy or lack thereof.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Estimated time to complete: 1 Hour

NU636 Unit 4 Assignment – Developing Collaborative Care Teams

This assessment addresses the following course objective(s):

  • Advocate for policies that improve the health of the public and the profession of nursing and health care administration.


Use the following scenario as the basis for this assignment:

You will develop a proposal for review by the hospital leadership team. This proposal should contain the following (at minimum):

  • Executive summary detailing the need for collaborative care teams (CCT) and why they will benefit the hospital.
  • At least one paragraph to summarize each of the following components, citing relevant research as applicable. Assume fictional information to formulate your rationale:
    • Benefits of CCT to patients
    • Benefits of CCT to clinical staff
    • Structure of CCT (what providers are involved, and to what degree)
    • Oversight and assessment (who is responsible for tracking the success or failure)
    • Operational/Financial risks or areas of concern
    • Timeline for implementation
    • Conclusion: summarize key points to “sell” this proposal. Ideally, this will become a standardized model of care in your hospital, if a pilot is successful.
  • APA style
    • Include a cover and reference page
    • Include a minimum of three references. In-text citations should be used to cite relevant research supporting your rationale for using CCT.

NU636 Unit 5 Discussion 1 – Technology in Healthcare

  • Consider the role of government and various professional organizations in the process of planning and implementing policies at managements levels for diverse healthcare environments.

Without doubt today’s healthcare students, and all variations of clinical practitioners, are EXPECTED to be knowledgeable in, comfortable with, and at the very least open to learning how to apply ever-advancing technology as an essential element of patient care delivery.  While some clinicians–and even administrators–argue that today’s healthcare providers are unwittingly substituting compassion and empathy with various virtual forms of patient care, high-tech, and Wi-Fi devices, many of you may have chosen healthcare BECAUSE you wanted to directly connect with patients as human beings, not virtual ones. This topic was being debated long before the pandemic. 

Discuss if you believe, through experience or from research, that healthcare delivery is moving in the right direction with technology as the driver and determinant for defining higher quality care, OR should this industry revisit its past and develop policies where clinicians and patients build relationships through touch and bedside conversations as a form of healing and comfort?  Is it possible to do both?

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

The post and responses are valued at 20 points. Please review post and response expectations. Please review the rubric to ensure that your response meets criteria.

Estimated time to complete: 2 Hours


  • Assume an alternative viewpoint from your classmate. Offer constructive, thought-provoking dialog to challenge your classmate’s position.
  • Identify similarities and differences between your policy recommendations and your classmate’s.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Estimated time to complete: 1 Hour

NU636 Unit 5 Discussion 2 – Facilitating Innovation in Nursing

This assessment addresses the following learning objective(s):

  • Examine the effect of legal, ethical, and regulatory processes on nursing practices (and/or change to providers), healthcare delivery, and outcomes while maintaining balance with administrative and fiscal responsibilities.


Answer the following question:

How can you facilitate innovation in the field of nursing?

  • This may include a combination of leadership skill, organizational policy development, or advocacy of political change. Explain how these (and other) factors contribute to facilitating and driving innovation.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

The post and responses are valued at 20 points. Please review post and response expectations. Please review the rubric to ensure that your response meets criteria.

Estimated time to complete: 2 Hours

Unit 5 Discussion 2 – Facilitating Innovation in Nursing


  • Respond to the ideas your classmate proposed. Are these realistic to achieve? Why or why not?
  • Propose alternative ways of achieving the outcome your classmate proposed.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Estimated time to complete: 1 Hour

NU636 Unit 5 Assignment – Developing an Education Attainment Policy

This assessment addresses the following course objective(s):

  • Develop institutional, local, state, and/or federal policy initiatives.


Healthcare administrators are responsible for analyzing the efficacy of internal policies, and determining when new policy development is needed. For this assignment, you will conduct research on education and degree attainment as it relates to healthcare organization policy. Use the following information to complete this assignment:

Assignment type: Podcast (audio) and written outline

Your role: Healthcare administrator, policy development specialist.  

Your audience: Other healthcare administrators, clinical medical professionals, health policy advocates.

Required Podcast content: Explain how administrators can develop an education attainment policy within their organization. For example: requiring a BSN for all non-entry level RN employment. Include information that speaks to your research on the topic, influencing factors (internal and external), barriers and risks, benefits, goals and objectives, etc.

Required Outline content: Create an outline that summarizes key points of your podcast. This does not need to be a word-for-word script.

APA: A minimum of three references should be included to support your content.

NU636 Unit 6 Discussion 1 – Public Announcement: Debate (Inter-team discussion)

  • Advocate for policies that improve the health of the public and the profession of nursing and health care administration.


Over the years, healthcare providers have strived to improve the way they provide care for patients who identify as LGBTQIAP+. In some cases, a provider makes the decision to seek out both social and clinical education to provide the best level of care to this patient demographic. Other times, a provider may be instructed to comply with institutional guidelines which they may agree or disagree with. For this discussion, you will debate the topic of a hospital publicly announcing a position on healthcare for the LGBTQIAP+ community. Review the scenario below for details:


You are on the leadership team of a non-profit, regional hospital. The hospital recently issued an internal policy requiring increased sensitivity, competence, and annual training for all staff on improving care delivery for LGBTQIAP+ patients. Your leadership team is debating publicly announcing the hospital’s policy. The hospital is in a very conservative state. Many of your patients, donors, and volunteers have religious affiliation.

This debate will occur over two weeks (Unit 6 & Unit 7).

Your instructor will assign you into two groups, each will argue an assigned viewpoint (Pro or Con) of this topic in their own working group for this week. Your personal beliefs may differ, and you will need to use evidence to support the position of your group:

Group A – will debate in FAVOR of publicly disclosing the hospital’s policy.

Group B – will debate in OPPOSITION of publicly disclosing the hospital’s policy.

Required action:

  • For this discussion (Unit 6, Discussion 1) choose or step up as a “team leader.” The team leader will be responsible for synthesizing the group’s argument and posting to the Unit 7 Discussion 1 board for Comprehensive Arguments. The team leader is not required to contribute resources to Unit 6 Discussion 1. To receive credit for participation, the team leader should respond to peers, facilitating dialog about the resources, as needed.
  • In your group, select two arguments for your assigned position.
  • For each argument include a brief explanation (under 400 words) and rationale for why you have selected it. Additionally provide at least three references (URLs are acceptable) that support this argument.
  • At the end of the week, your leader will post the two arguments and references to the Unit 7 Discussion 1.

Individual requirements

  • Before Wednesday at 11:59 pm CST, post one argument for your position. Keep this argument brief (under 200 words) and include two references that support your argument (URLs are fine).
    • You will not be able to see other student posts until after you have submitted your post
    • The group leader is not required to submit this initial post. The faculty member will assist the group leader in their organizational roles. Think of the faculty member as a co-leader.
  • Before Friday  at 11:59pm CST, respond and comment on the arguments proposed by your group.
    • Remember, you are on the same team! Work to find the best to arguments and references to debate the other group.
  • Group leaders – please contact the instructor if you have any questions.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Please review post and response expectations. Please review the rubric to ensure that your response meets criteria.

Estimated time to complete: 3 Hours

NU636 Unit 6 Discussion 2 – Politics and Policy Self-Inventory

This assessment addresses the following learning objective(s):

  • Consider the role of government and various professional organizations in the process of planning and implementing policies at managements levels for diverse healthcare environments.


Complete the quiz  Politics and Policy Self-Inventory  Download Politics and Policy Self-Inventory[Word Document]

Reflect on your answers to the quiz.

  • Are there areas you wish to change?
  • How can you develop your level of advocacy, or perhaps, encourage others to step out of their comfort zone?
  • Consider what is needed for you to lead political advocacy and shared governance in policy-making in your organization, and profession. Share those ideas!

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

The post and responses are valued at 20 points. Please review post and response expectations. Please review the rubric to ensure that your response meets criteria.

Estimated time to complete: 2 Hours

NU636 Unit 6 Discussion 2 – Politics and Policy Self-Inventory


  • Offer constructive feedback to your classmates.
  • Consider ways you can encourage them to step into a greater role of activism or elevate others to do so.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Estimated time to complete: 1 Hour

NU636 Unit 6 Assignment – Political Advocacy Program

This assessment addresses the following course objective(s):

  • Consider the role of government and various professional organizations in the process of planning and implementing policies at managements levels for diverse healthcare environments.


Professional associations like the American Medical Association, American Nurses Association, and others actively facilitate member engagement in political advocacy. For this assignment, you will research political advocacy models of professional associations, and develop a program outline to be proposed to a professional association or group of your choosing.

Objective: Political advocacy program proposal


Primary – Members of a professional association or group (local/state/institutional).

Secondary – Leadership team of the association or group. Those who will approve your proposal.

Elements to include (but not limited to):

  • Proposal abstract
  • Need assessment (why this is needed in your profession/location)
  • Supporting research
  • Goals and Objectives
  • Governance structure (leadership roles)
  • Membership (member base, recruitment)
  • Proposal summary

Length: A minimum of three pages of content.

APA requirements: Title, reference page, a minimum of three references. In-text citations should be used to support your proposal.


Word document

Assignment Resource(s)

Health Exchange Academy. (2006).  Advocating for change. (Links to an external site.)

NU636 Unit 7 Discussion 1 – Public Announcement: Debate (Comprehensive arguments)

  • Interpret research, bringing the nursing perspective, alongside perspectives of their administrative colleagues, for policy makers and stakeholders.


This week you will view and respond to the arguments made by the opposing group. Support your position by pointing out flaws in the other groups reasoning.

Remember, we are all working together to come up with the best answer for this situation! Even though you are on a competing team, please be respectful of other students and the positions they are presenting (remember this may not be the position that they would have chosen).  Review this info graphic on types of arguments ( (Links to an external site.) ), make sure you avoid logical fallacies (especially add hominem attacks).

Group A and B leaders: post your group’s comprehensive argument to this discussion by 11:59pm CST Monday. Please work with your instructor if you have difficulty meeting this date.


Group A – will debate in FAVOR of publicly disclosing the hospital’s policy.

Group B – will debate in OPPOSITION of publicly disclosing the hospital’s policy.

Group activities

  • Your group (Pro or Con) will be given its own working discussion area to post your conversation and notes.
  • You should select a leader of your group to submit your final work. If the group has not identified a leader by Wednesday, your instructor will assign a leader. Try to select a different leader than the Wek 1 leader.
  • In your group, select two arguments that refuse the arguments posted by the other group.
  • For each refutation, include a brief explanation (under 300 words) and rationale for why you have selected it. Additionally provide at least two references (URLs are acceptable) that support this refutation.
  • At the end of the week, your leader will post the two arguments and references to the Unit 7 Discussion 1 – Public Announcement: Debate.

Individual requirements

  • Before Wednesday at 11:59 pm CST,post one refutation of your opponent’s position. Keep this argument brief (under 200 words) and include one reference that support your argument (URLs are fine).
    • You will not be able to see other student posts until after you have submitted your post
    • The group leader is not required to submit this initial post. The faculty member will assist the group leader in their organizational roles. Think of the faculty member as a co-leader.
  • Before Friday at 11:59 pm CST,respond and comment on the refutations proposed by your group.
    • Remember, you are on the same team! Work to find the best to arguments and references to debate the other group.
    • Your group leader will gather the comments from the group, and post the final product to the Unit 7 Discussion 1.
  • Group leaders – please contact the instructor if you have any questions.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Please review post and response expectations. Please review the rubric to ensure that your response meets criteria.

NU636 Unit 7 Discussion 2 – Vaccination Policy

This assessment addresses the following learning objective(s):

  • Advocate for policies that improve the health of the public and the profession of nursing and health care administration.


Vaccination is a hot-button issue for many Americans. Healthcare professionals, media outlets, celebrities, and the general population all play a significant role in shaping the public opinion on “to vaccinate or not to vaccinate.” In some states, policies are in place to help parents navigate the decision to vaccinate their child. In some organizations, patients may be dismissed from receiving care if they decline vaccination without a medical reason (standard series vaccines, flu vaccines, etc).

  • On the topic of vaccination: what should be the role of health policy at the state level? What should be the role of health policy at the institutional (or provider) level?

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

The post and responses are valued at 20 points. Please review post and response expectations. Please review the rubric to ensure that your response meets criteria.

Estimated time to complete: 2 Hours


  • Assume an alternative viewpoint from your classmate. Offer constructive, thought-provoking dialog to challenge your classmate’s position.
  • Identify similarities and differences between your policy recommendations and your classmate’s.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Estimated time to complete: 1 Hour

NU636 Unit 7 Assignment – Public Health Legislation

This assessment addresses the following course objective(s):

  • Advocate for policies that improve the health of the public and the profession of nursing and health care administration.


Throughout this course, you have learned about the importance of political advocacy: how legislation can impact healthcare delivery, quality of care, patient outcomes, and various healthcare professional’s roles and practice.

For this final assignment, you will research current legislation related to public health (Unit 7 topics are a great place to start). Identify a piece of legislation you feel passionately about. You will complete parts I and II below, to illustrate your understanding of the legislation, state your position, call for action, etc.   

Audience: Politicians who will be voting on your identified legislation.


This assignment has 2 deliverables for upload. Please review carefully.

Part I  Multimedia Presentation:

Record yourself delivering a formal address about your stance on the legislation, to your politicians. Audio and video quality should be clear, and your attire should be business professional. Minimum length of 10 minutes.

Use one of these techniques to create your multimedia presentation.

  1. Use Screencast-o-matic(Links to an external site.) (Instructional Video Below)
  2. Any video recording system of your choice
  3. Record video directly in the assignment submission using these instructions(Links to an external site.)

Part II – Written support:

Prepare a professional paper, summarizing the legislation itself, your position, call for action, etc. Cite relevant sources, which may include industry leader’s perspectives, or scholarly research. Minimum length of five pages.

NU636 Unit 8 Discussion – Reflection

Discussion Prompts

Please respond to the following questions based upon these course objectives:

  • Analyze how policies influence the structure and financing of health care, practice, and health outcomes.
  • Develop institutional, local, state and/or federal policy initiatives.
  • Consider the role of government and various professional organizations in the process of planning and implementing policies at management levels for diverse healthcare environments.
  • Examine the effect of legal, ethical, and regulatory processes on nursing practice (and/or change to providers), healthcare delivery, and outcomes while maintaining balance with administrative and fiscal responsibilities.
  • Interpret research, bringing the nursing perspective, alongside perspectives of their administrative colleagues, for policy makers and stakeholders.
  • Advocate for policies that improve the health of the public and the profession of nursing and health care administration.

Please answer the following questions with supporting examples and full explanations.

  • For each of the learning objectives, provide an analysis of how the course supported each objective.
  • Explain how the material learned in this course, based upon the objectives, will be applicable to professional application.

Reflect back on your journey through this course and answer the following:

  • What was the most valuable thing you learned in this course?

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