Describe the most likely actions to be taken to activate a viable COOP capability within 12 hours of an emergency event in your town

A Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) ensures continued performance of essential functions across a wide range of natural and man-made emergencies. A COOP plan is a collection of resources, actions, procedures, and information that is developed, tested, and held in readiness for use in the event of a major disruption of operations. COOP planning helps prepare a facility, organization, or agency to better maintain critical operations after any emergency or disaster.

For your COOP Plan, you will focus on the city or community you live in, referred to as Yourtown, throughout this course.

Writing this Scope & Applicability section of the COOP begins with describing the elements of a facility, organization, or agency affected by the COOP plan, the times during which the COOP plan is in effect, the components covered by the COOP plan, and the distribution of the COOP plan.

For the purposes of this assignment, the COOP plan is applicable to Yourtown’s building, departments, agencies, likely contractors and personnel.

Your COOP plan must be written clearly and concisely because, in the real world, the Scope and Applicability portion of your COOP will be presented to all local emergency response and management agencies, designated emergency coordination officers, city/county/regional emergency management directors, emergency management planners, and other interested parties.

Explicitly state the scope & applicability of emergency, disaster response, the entities affected (e.g., government departments, agencies, private sector, citizens), and geographic areas to which the plan applies.

Write a 1,200-1,500-word Scope & Applicability section of the COOP plan addressing the following:


Describe the most likely actions to be taken to activate a viable COOP capability within 12 hours of an emergency event in your town.
Explain how to sustain that capability for up to 30 days. (Your COOP plan must also be able to be activated during duty and nonduty hours, both with and without warning, so make sure to describe these methods as well).
Next, describe how the five most critical departments and resources located in your town (e.g., fire, police, local government building critical personnel, public works, computer (IT) and dispatch systems, vehicles, and buildings operated or maintained by Yourtown’s government) will be utilized to sustain operations and what their responsibilities and assignments will be in your COOP Plan.

Explain the deliberate and preplanned movement of likely critical key staff and technical personnel to an alternate operating facility. Also, describe the implementation of temporary work procedures.
Explain the delegation of authorities during an emergency (For example: Senior management/leadership, like political leadership. Technical personnel who are unavailable during the emergency: IT leads, IT directors)
List and describe alternate locations (due to the primary government building facility in your town becoming unusable) for both long and short periods of time.
Provide for continuity of management and decision making, in the event that your town’s senior management or technical personnel are unavailable.

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