Essay RES 885 All Weeks Discussions GCU

RES 885 All Weeks Discussions GCU
RES 885 Topic 1 DQ 1
Create a draft Individual Success Plan for accomplishing the final deliverables in this course, which is a completed prospectus and an outline of “The Review of Literature” section in Chapter 2. In your plan, provide a rationale for your plan and also include how you will address the iterative reviews given the feedback from your chair in this course. This plan will be submitted as an assignment in Week 2 of this course. How might the feedback given on your submitted deliverables potentially alter your Individual Success Plan (ISP)? How will you adapt to these changes as they occur?
RES 885 Topic 1 DQ 2
Identify the three members on a GCU committee and the role they play in coaching the learner to complete the dissertation. What will you need to do to become the leader/project manager for your dissertation? How can you establish a win-win relationship, particularly when setting expectations and communicating with your committee members? Explain.
RES 885 Topic 2 DQ 1
Present three arguments from empirical studies published in the past three years that define a problem space to justify the need for your proposed study. For each argument, provide supporting citations from the empirical studies. Additionally, upload the corresponding PDFs of the full studies you are using to build your argument. Note: Use the feedback provided by your instructor to continue to revise the Background to the Problem section of your prospectus.
RES 885 Topic 2 DQ 2
Synthesize the three arguments you identified in Module 2 DQ 1 in this topic to develop a one sentence problem statement for your proposed study. Note: Use feedback from your instructor to revise and/or refine the problem statement section of your prospectus.
RES 885 Topic 3 DQ 1
Respond to one of the following based on the selected methodology of your dissertation study.
If doing a qualitative study:
Identify an empirical study which was conducted on the phenomenon you are researching. Identify the theories or models in that study that are relevant to the phenomenon for your proposed study. Discuss how the theory or model is relevant to the phenomenon addressed in your study. Note: Use instructor feedback to revise the Theoretical Foundation section in your prospectus.
If doing a quantitative study:
Identify the variables which you are exploring for your study. Describe each variable and the model or theory aligned to the variable. Identify and name an instrument which measures the variable or variables. Identify an empirical study which used the variable you will be researching. Find the model or theory for the variable in that article or in the validation article on the instrument used to measure it. Note: Use instructor feedback to revise the Theoretical Foundation section in your prospectus.
RES 885 Topic 3 DQ 2
Respond to one of the following based on the selected methodology of your dissertation study.
If doing a qualitative study:
Use the problem statement and the model(s) and/or theory(ies) to develop the research questions for your proposed study. Once you have instructor feedback put these research questions into the research questions section in your Prospectus deliverable.
If doing a quantitative Study:
Use the problem statement and variables to develop the research questions for your proposed study. Once you have instructor feedback put these research questions into the research questions section in your prospectus deliverable.
RES 885 Topic 4 DQ 1
Identify the methodology (quantitative or qualitative) for your proposed research. Give three well-developed arguments, with citations from peer-reviewed sources, justifying why the methodology is the best for your problem statement and/or research questions.
Use instructor feedback on your post to revise the Rationale for Methodology section in your prospectus.
RES 885 Topic 4 DQ 2
Identify the design for your proposed research. Give three well-developed arguments, with citations from peer-reviewed sources, to justify why that design is the best for your problem statement and/or research questions.
Use instructor feedback on your post to revise the Nature of the Research Design section in your prospectus.
RES 885 Topic 5 DQ 1
Respond to one of the following based on the selected methodology of your dissertation study.
If doing a qualitative study:
Identify the data sources for the phenomenon/a in your study. Justify the use of each data source. Support your justification with citations from peer-reviewed sources. Note: Incorporate instructor feedback on your post to revise the the Data Sources/Instruments section in your prospectus.
If doing a quantitative study:
Identify the data sources or instrumentation for each of the variables in your study. Justify the use of each data source or instrument in your study. Support your justification with citations from peer-reviewed sources. Discuss the reliability and validity of each data source or instrument. Also discuss how the instrument is scored and the level (categorical, ordinal, interval, ratio) the data obtained for your variable of interest.
Incorporate instructor feedback on your post to revise the the Data Sources/Instruments section in your prospectus.
RES 885 Topic 5 DQ 2
Develop a detailed outline for the data collection plan to include: (1) required permissions for use of instruments and/or sources of data, (2) proposed sampling approach, (3) detailed data collection steps for each of the instruments and data sources, and (4) a data management plan.
Incorporate instructor feedback on your post to revise the Sources of Data/Instruments and Data Collection sections of the prospectus.
RES 885 Topic 6 DQ 1
Respond to one of the following based on the selected methodology of your dissertation study.
If doing a qualitative study:
Describe the data analysis approach you will use for each instrument or data source. Support your approach with relevant scholarly sources.
Incorporate instructor feedback on your post to revise the Data Analysis section of the prospectus.
If doing a quantitative study:
Describe the data analysis approach you will use for each of the research questions/hypotheses. Support your approach with relevant scholarly sources.
Incorporate instructor feedback on your post to revise the Data Analysis section of the prospectus.
RES 885 Topic 6 DQ 2
Use a peer-reviewed source to define the terms: assumptions, delimitations, and limitations. Develop and provide a rationale for three assumptions, three delimitations and three limitations for your proposed study.
RES 885 Topic 7 DQ 1
Create a description of the population, target population, and sample for the proposed study.
Incorporate instructor feedback on your post to revise and refine the Population, Target Population, and Sample section in the prospectus.
RES 885 Topic 7 DQ 2
Synthesize the methodology, design, problem statement, target population, and geographic location to develop a one-sentence Purpose Statement for the dissertation study.
Incorporate instructor feedback on your post to revise and refine the Purpose Statement section in the prospectus.
RES 885 Topic 8 DQ 1
Respond to one of the following based on the selected methodology of your dissertation study.
If doing a qualitative study:
For Chapter 2, develop an outline for the Review of Literature topics ensuring you have one section specifying the broad societal/business/community issue it addresses, one section identifying the relevant population and its importance to the population; and one section explaining various aspects of the phenomenon you are studying.
If doing a quantitative study:
For Chapter 2 of your proposal, develop an outline for the Review of Literature topics ensuring you have one section specifying the broad societal/business/community issue it addresses, one section identifying the relevant population and the importance of the study to the population, and one section explaining the nature of each variable involved in your study. Also include a section identifying studies that focused on two or more of the variables you intend to use in your study.
RES 885 Topic 8 DQ 2
In Week 6 of the next dissertation course (DIS/DBA/PSY/PCE/TLC-955), you will submit a revised prospectus. The submission is scored as pass/fail and is worth 400 points. If each section of the prospectus does not receive a score of at least “2 – Meets Expectations” at that time, you will fail the course and need to retake the class.
- Reflect on the feedback your chair and methodologist (if appropriate) have provided on your prospectus to date.
- Using the criteria in the prospectus template, complete a self-evaluation of the work you have completed for each section. Based on your self-evaluation and chair feedback, what section(s) of the prospectus do you need to refine and work on in order fully meet the requirements in the criterion tables and to receive a score of “2 – Item Meets Expectations”? Remember, your prosepctus must be approved in the DIS/DBA/PSY/PCE/TLC-955 course in order to pass that course.
- What information or guidance do you need from your chair and/or methodologist to help you meet expectations on the prospectus criteria?