NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 2 Protected Health Information (PHI): Privacy Security and Confidentiality Best Practices MC

NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 2 Protected Health Information (PHI): Privacy Security and Confidentiality Best Practices MC
PHI Laws to follow
NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 2 Protected Health Information (PHI): Privacy Security and Confidentiality Best Practices MC
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act is publicly known as the PHI system (HIPAA). Medical practitioners and IT insurers are restricted in how much health information they may share under HIPAA (Simsekler et al., 2018). The proposed principle applies to all hospital data and other personally identifiable health records utilized or shared by a relevant authority in any manner, including online, on paper, or verbally. Patients’ privacy is protected by maintaining details about their health issues and not releasing them to any other healthcare professionals or caregivers without their permission is the policy of HIPPA. (Lenert, & McSwain, 2020). Because of technology improvements, such as the use of social media sites for medical reports and engagement, more people have access to healthcare information (Witt Sherman et al., 2020). However, technical advancements have raised the risk of losing personal information. Furthermore, social media networks pose a significant threat to patient identity and privacy protection.
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Importance of Interdisciplinary Collaboration
To facilitate cooperation while retaining such data, interdisciplinary colleagues should transmit the information that is critical and must be known by other specialists (Rawlinson et al., 2021). Such a discussion, however, must take conducted in a private space where no physician or other person may listen to it. Moreover, any system that collects patient data, notably the electronic medical record system, must be locked by every medical professional. Collaborative practice in hospitals serves to lower healthcare costs by preventing prescription mistakes, improving the patient experience, and delivering better patient care. Thus it aids hospitals in reducing costs by eliminating procedural duplication and errors.
Evidence-based Approaches to Mitigate Risk to Patient and Healthcare Staff
- Frustration caused by electronic health records requires social and technical ways in which diverse players in our healthcare system collaborate to assist organizations to make evidence-based tools and apps available and simple in using (Rawlinson et al., 2021).
- We should urge legislators to assist in the adoption of evidence-based strategies to alleviate EHR-related physician stress.
- Non–value-added functionality should also be removed by each health system working closely with its provider since organizational expenditures in EHR training will result in enhanced user satisfaction and efficiency.
- The EHR system is to be implemented according to the HIPAA rule that gives the set of rules for keeping the health information secure, private, and confidential. EHR doesn’t allow the easy access of data to a non-focal person or any outsider, it will always be pin or password protected keeping the important healthcare information secure (Manias, 2018).
NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 2 Protected Health Information (PHI): Privacy Security and Confidentiality Best Practices MC
Staff Update
- Social media Dos and Don’ts — sharing videos and photographs of patients without their approval, or talking about them (Rawlinson et al., 2021).
- The HIPPA regulation is broken when patient information is shared in a separate group on a social media site.
- Understanding regulations and guidelines aid in the confidentiality of data. HIPPA regulations must be implemented in hospitals to secure patient records and to prevent information from being shared throughout online platforms.
- Do not transmit any material that might be used to verify an individual’s identity.
- Provide extensive training sessions to all staff on how to use social media safely, as required by the HIPAA Act.
- Make it a requirement that all social media remarks must be approved by a corporate administrative or legal department before they are broadcast.
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Lenert, L., & McSwain, B. Y. (2020). Balancing health privacy, health information exchange, and research in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association: JAMIA, 27(6), 963–966.
NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 2 Protected Health Information (PHI): Privacy Security and Confidentiality Best Practices MC
Manias E. (2018). Effects of interdisciplinary collaboration in hospitals on medication errors: an integrative review. Expert Opinion On Drug Safety, 17(3), 259–275.
Rawlinson, C., Carron, T., Cohidon, C., Arditi, C., Hong, Q. N., Pluye, P., Peytremann-Bridevaux, I., & Gilles, I. (2021). An overview of reviews on interprofessional collaboration in primary care: barriers and facilitators. International Journal of Integrated Care, 21(2), 32.
Simsekler, M., Ward, J. R., & Clarkson, P. J. (2018). Design for patient safety: a systems-based risk identification framework. Ergonomics, 61(8), 1046–1064.
Witt Sherman, D., Flowers, M., Alfano, A. R., Alfonso, F., De Los Santos, M., Evans, H., Gonzalez, A., Hannan, J., Harris, N., Munecas, T., Rodriguez, A., Simon, S., & Walsh, S. (2020). An integrative review of interprofessional collaboration in health care: building the Case for university support and resources and faculty engagement. Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland), 8(4), 418.