NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 3 Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing TS
NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 3 Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing TS
NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 3 Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing TS
Evidence-Based Proposal
Telehealth Nursing is regarded as the virtualization and remote use of medical information via the use of telecommunications in healthcare institutions for diagnostics, management, assessment, experimentation, prescription, inspection, therapy, follow-up, and training. It has expanded throughout almost all clinical settings, including primary, secondary, and tertiary care (Aghdam et al., 2019). This annotated bibliography provides insight into how pulse oximeters are used, their limitations and accuracy, and patient outcome. I used the electronic databases of Capella University Library, NHS Learner success lab as well as Google Scholar to retrieve peer reviewed articles. I used the key terms and key words like “Telemedicine”, “Telehealth”, “Telehealth in nursing” to narrow down my search to specific topic and changed the filter to only peer reviewed articles to avoid the unrecognised and unauthentic sources.
NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 3 Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing TS
Annotated Bibliography
“Mataxen, P. A., & Webb, L. D. (2019). Telehealth nursing: More than just a phone call. Nursing2020, 49(4), 11-13.”
I used the search term “Introduction of Telehealth nursing” and “Telehealth Nursing” for retrieval of this article. This article discusses about the use of telehealth in healthcare organisations. Telehealth nursing, as per the American Telehealth Association, is a method for providing nursing services remotely in order to increase performance and patient access to medical care. A telehealth contact or enquiry, on the other hand, is much more than simply a phone conversation, and also the nurses who answer these calls are part of the healthcare spectrum. The goal of this article is to raise awareness of telehealth nursing by defining the service and its function in healthcare, as well as explaining the essential skills and competences of telehealth nurses (Mataxen et al., 2019).
NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 3 Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing TS
“Hassan, E. (2018). Tele-ICU and patient safety considerations. Critical care nursing quarterly, 41(1), 47-59.”
I used the search terms like “Impact of telehealth on patient outcomes” and “Telehealth and its effect on patients” for retrieval of this article. This article discussed about the impact of telehealth on patient outcomes and their safety considerations. In this article, tele-ICU is used as an example for this purpose. The tele-ICU is meant to facilitate, rather than substitute, the requirement for bedside patient care in the diagnosis, therapy, and management of a variety of severe diseases. Tele-ICUs are generally centralized or decentralized schemes with varying benefits and drawbacks. The centralized paradigm has enough published evidence to be related with reduced mortality and ICU length of stay in a cost-effective way. Improved clinical outcomes are associated with enhanced conformance with guiding principles, offering off-hours execution of the bedside nurse’s treatment plan, and recognizing and responding quickly to physiological destabilization and responding quickly to updates, alert, or direct notices by bedside health professionals. The bedside therapist may give treatment that only they can deliver with increased communication and regular patient reviews between the tele-ICU and the bedside clinicians. Although technology is evolving at a rapid rate, it is unlikely to enhance clinical results on its own. It will enable us to convert real-time or alongside data into complicated and strong prediction models thanks to technological developments. To generate higher performance and improving patient outcomes, virtual and bedside teams must collaborate to establish care procedures that effectively monitor, prioritize, standardize, and accelerate treatment.
“Aghdam, M. R. F., Vodovnik, A., & Hameed, R. A. (2019). Role of telemedicine in multidisciplinary team meetings. Journal of pathology informatics, 10.”
I used search terms like “Impact of telehealth nursing on interdisciplinary teams” and “Role of telehealth nursing on interdisciplinary nursing teams” to retrieve the articles. This article discusses about the role of telehealth medicine and nursing in interdisciplinary teams and nursing healthcare. This article reviews multiple articles of the same topic in PubMed database and complies the effect of telemedicine on interdisciplinary teams evaluated in different researches and situations and gives a brief analysis of their outcomes. Several reviews examined different types of telemedicine, laws and environmental status, legislation, state wide accreditation and financial activities, and future telemedicine developments, with a focus on mobile devices. According to authors, Telemedicine facilitates and boosts scientific intelligence sharing, remote diagnosis and treatment, remote skills and training, and simplifies and expands accessibility multidisciplinary knowledge.
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“Byrne, M. D. (2020). Telehealth and the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 35(5), 548-551.”
NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 3 Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing TS
I used the search terms like “Telehealth and its Applications” and telehealth and its impact on treatment” and retrieved this article. The reason for choosing this article is that it discusses the importance of telehealth during the COVID-19 Pandemic which is most crucial and hostile situation at the current moment. It briefly explains its use and impact and also suggests improvement plan for future reference while using COVID-19 as a case study. According to authors, the uncertainty of the COVID-19 epidemic and its influence on medical services is a frightening story about how challenging it is to forecast what parts of telehealth will survive, increase, or disappear in the future. The fact is that, even with advanced telehealth capabilities, some features of a physical patient care experience could not be addressed. The COVID-19 epidemic has pushed medical professionals to be adaptable and innovative in responding to their patients’ demands, as well as in response to opportunities to motivate telehealth treatment through greater reimbursements and loosened regulatory regulations. Whilst telehealth may never completely replace some elements of treatment, it may be viewed as a new way of increasing practice scope and servicing groups that were previously unreachable.
These articles thoroughly discuss the use of telemedicine in health care sector and its impact both on nursing and patients’ outcomes as well as its role in interdisciplinary teams in nursing health care. These articles also imply the importance of telehealth in future conditions where it will be difficult for nurses and other practitioners to use physical and face to face treatment of patients. Recent example is the COVID-19 outbreak. There are some organisational factors which greatly influence the use of information technology in health care sector. Organizational impacting elements are operational characteristics, procedures, or situations inside an organization. “Framework and ideology, team capabilities and supportive supervision, as well as coordination and communication methods” are examples of organizational factors that might influence cooperation. Telehealth implementation enables healthcare professionals to improve continuum of care, management and access control beyond regular clinic hours, decrease patient transport strain, and help overcome clinician shortfalls, particularly in rural and underprivileged populations, allowing health care systems and medical centres to focus on patient populations rather than the environment. Telehealth improves healthcare coverage for individuals who encounter challenges such as location (particularly in rural regions), transport, or caregiver availability. Immune – compromised people are no longer at danger of contracting infectious illnesses due to use of this technology. Hence telehealth is valued in healthcare settings, helping medical professionals decide the correct course of treatment and provide immediate and effective care to patients regardless to the barriers in the physical treatment. Although there are still many areas of improves in telehealth sector but it is clearly more advantageous for patients and heath care practitioners than physical treatment
NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 3 Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing TS
Mataxen, P. A., & Webb, L. D. (2019). Telehealth nursing: More than just a phone call. Nursing2020, 49(4), 11-13.
Hassan, E. (2018). Tele-ICU and patient safety considerations. Critical care nursing quarterly, 41(1), 47-59.
Aghdam, M. R. F., Vodovnik, A., & Hameed, R. A. (2019). Role of telemedicine in multidisciplinary team meetings. Journal of pathology informatics, 10
Byrne, M. D. (2020). Telehealth and the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 35(5), 548-551