NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession
NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession, This discussion considers the metaparadigm of nursing and the four concepts of the nursing profession—person, environment, health and nursing profession.

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

Select a practice area of the nursing profession (i.e. education, executive, informatics, healthcare policy, and advanced clinical practice) and apply EACH of the four concepts to the selected area. Be sure to apply EACH of the four concepts and include an example that demonstrates the application to the practice area.

Essay Impact of Nursing Theory Upon Healthcare Organization

Don’t forget to support your initial posting with scholarly references.

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

A metaparadigm is a representation of the worldview of nursing and is thought to consist of the concepts of person, environment health, and nursing (McEwen & Wills, 2014).

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

As you look at this metaparadigm I have chosen the practice area of that of the executive since that aligns with the track I am on. Person is described as the “physical, intellectual, biochemical, and psychosocial needs” (McEwen & Wills, 2014, p. 41).

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

Application of the concept of person as it related to an executive role is somewhat abstract and discrete in nature. The focus of person through executive nursing lenses would be that of not only the patient but that of the staff in which he or she leads.

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

As an executive, the recipient of my care would be that of my direct reports as well as the patient population that your department or teams care for.

Some theorists are said to expand their person focus to family or community and as an executive leader if you are in the Executive office positions (CEO, CNO, COO, etc.) you may expand upon those two areas as family and community help to drive business.

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

As an executive in healthcare you must get to know your people as well as your patients to be able to fill the needs they may have. This takes place with evaluations of staff and employee rounding.

From a patient side, the executive level helps to work with the teams to identify better processes that would benefit the patient and meet their needs as well.

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

Some of the information needed is obtained by the staff on admission of the patient through a database that asks questions about the person. The answers to those questions will help to drive the plan of care for that patient.

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

Environment is a summative concept that is described as those things that externally affect the person as well as internal or external conditions that could influence the disease process (McEwen & Wills, 2014).

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

It also refers to those comorbidities a person may have as well as who the individual interacts with and the impact they have on their environment (McEwen & Wills, 2014).

With executive level nursing lenses, I am making sure that my case managers and my social workers are talking with each patient to identify environmental needs or support that may be needed.

This is also a time to identify safety of environment both internal and external. During our multidisciplinary rounds and huddle an executive representation is key as we talk through any safety concerns the staff have as well as those patients that have environmental concerns or needs.

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

Huddles are a very human and simple way of driving results (Tingle, 2017). From an executive nursing position, you look at safety daily for the organization, individual departments, staff, and ultimately the patients. We want not only the environment within our doors safe but also want a safe discharge plan for our patients as well.

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

Health is a summative concept and described as having the ability to function independently, adapt to stress, achieve full potential, and the overall wellness of mind, body, and soul (McEwen & Wills, 2014).

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

As a nursing executive, I would first focus on the overall health of my team. If you team is unhealthy then the patients are less likely to receive the best care possible. As a nursing executive, I would promote overall wellness as we do in my current organization. We promote creation health to both our staff and our patients.

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

Creation health is promoting a lifestyle of choice, rest, environment, activity, trust, interpersonal relationships, outlook, and nutrition. I believe that promotion of creation promotes a healthier lifestyle for my teams and encourages our patients to choose healthy living as well.

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

We educate and speak to creation with our teams in huddle and daily when we round with our patients. We focus on one letter each day to discus with both team and patients. We also make sure that every team member gets time to step off the busy units without their phone for 30 minutes at least.

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

We also offer messages to our staff for free two days a week so when they take their break they can destress. We teach our patients and promote wellness as well with them. We have some that we know are ending their journey on this earth but that doesn’t mean we don’t stay focused on health.

We shift focus to quality of life and as an executive you make sure you have a strong palliative care program in place. We offer a free wellness center pass to every patient as a way of promoting health.

As an executive, I take part in community wellness events that promote healthy living to our community as well.

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

Nursing profession is a summative concept that is described as a science, an art, and a practice discipline that involves caring at the core (McEwen & Wills, 2014). As nurses, we take an oath to care for the sick which encompasses so many things. Our profession is a work of caring and serving.

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

As an executive level nurse, I make sure to provide an environment in which my teams can do this sacred work. I hold the staff to a level of accountability that is necessary when you are dealing with life and death. I make sure that we have a rigorous training program for our new nurses and that we support those that have been nurses for a long time.

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

As an executive leader, I make sure that we stay up on evidence based practice so that I can provide education and training to the teams.

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

I have made sure that we have incorporated AIDET into the on boarding education for all staff as part of our nursing practice. “AIDET stands for acknowledge, introduce, duration, explanation, and thank you and is a communication strategy which promises to improve exchange of information between healthcare professionals with patients and their families, as well as with each other” (Zamora, Patel, Doherty, Alperstein, & Devito, 2015).

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

There is much evidence that AIDET is effective. Delivering quality care starts with creating an environment that is focused on delivering the best care possible to patients, which can be done through implementing a program like AIDET (Scott, 2012).

The first concept person represents the individual, family, group, or community receiving care, each with unique characteristics (Keamey-Nunnery, 2012). As a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) I will be able to work with people of all ages, genders and ethnicity.

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

For example, every patient I interact with will be different in their own way, whether it’s their values, beliefs or medical needs. Therefore, as a FNP I have to provide patient-centered care in order to address their needs. For instance, I have a patient newly diagnose with diabetes mellitus.

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

I know that I will have to educate my patient on insulin administration, complications of diabetes, healthy eating, increasing physical activity and weight loss.

The second concept, environment refers to the location in which the situation takes place like facility, office, home or school (Kearney-Nunnery, 2012). It can include internal and external factors related to the patient. As a FNP the environment in which I will be interacting with my patients will be an office or hospital setting.

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

I have to create a therapeutic environment to promote healing and for the patient to feel safe. Although the patients may not be in the office for a long period of time but if it’s too cold, hot or noisy I can adjust it so they can be comfortable.

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

Changing just a few environmental factors in the medical setting showed tremendous improvements on patient health (Branch, Deak, Hiner & Holzwart, 2016).

The metaparadigm of health refers to the quality and wellness of the patient, it also includes the access the patient has to health care (Branch et al, 2016). Since health is an important factor in patient care, as a FNP I will be providing patient-centered care.

For example, if I have a patient that is unable to make it to their doctor appointments I can refer them to an agency that provides transportation for people that need it. This will allow the patient to see their doctors and continue in the path of healing.

I can also teach my patients about taking their medications and lifestyle modifications to promote health.

The fourth concept, nursing is the role nurses play in teaching, providing holistic care and building relationships with their patients (Branch et al, 2016). As nurses we are constantly teaching our patients in order for them to take care of themselves.

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

As a FNP that won’t change, I continue to teach, care and build relationships with my patients. I will be compassion and show empathy regardless of their race, religion or socioeconomic status. When my patients come to see me, I won’t make them feel rush. I will take the time to work with them and address their needs.

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

Metaparadigm of nursing it is a structured framework, it consists four basic concepts that look at patient health and well-being. The four concepts are person, environment, health and nursing (Carroll, Doucet, & Wang, 2008). My selected practice area is family nurse practitioner (FNP), it is important to incorporate this concepts as the area of focus in patient care.

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

The first concept is person, it refers to the patient as individual but it is also includes patient’s family, friends, caregivers and any person that the patient considers as family (Isabel Francis,2017). The goal of FNP in this concept is to care, educate, and empower patient so they will be able to manage their health. FNP must communicate effectively with patient and their family to gain trust and full corporation. For example, in my unit we see many patients with type one diabetic, it is hard for them to control their blood sugar and they end up in the hospital. It is our job to educate those patients on how to monitor, treat, and control their blood sugar and at the same time we need to check their insurance, if they can afford to buy insulin, what their limitations are etc. As FNP we must look at the whole picture and not only the disease.

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

The second is environment that focus on everything that influences a patient’s health from internal and external aspect such as; social, culture, believes, values, economic etc. (Isabel Francis,2017). FNP must get familiar with patient social, economic, and mental aspect in order to help them. Patient come from different background and we cannot treat everybody the same way. For example, while caring for terminally ill patients the main focus of the FNP will be on increasing quality end of life such as decrease patient’s pain but at the same time FNP must consider patient culture, religious belief and their preference at the end of life.

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

The third is health, it refers to patient’s wellbeing such as genetic, emotional, spiritual, illness and the ability to access healthcare and resources (Isabel Francis,2017). The concept of health is relative to patient’s perspective, for example, a patient that smokes might consider themselves healthy while other will see it as unhealthy life style. FNP must advocates for the health of our patients and our community. FNP must provide the best care in various degree of health, FNP can help their patients and the community by sharing their knowledge about health issues, disease prevention, health nutrition, and teaching the important of immunizations.

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

The fourth is nursing that refers to a nursing professional, it includes knowledge and skills that nurses must acquire (Isabel Francis,2017). Nursing also include caring for patient with respect and providing them with the best care. graduating from advance school FNP have the knowledge and the skill to care for patient, they also have the experience that they gain working as a nurse while they are in school. For example, when I graduate nursing school I had the knowledge and the basic skills to start my career as a nurse, when I was hired I followed an experienced nurse and from her I gained more knowledge and skills while practicing as a nurse. Nursing is a learning process and we are learning everyday from our patients, coworkers, doctors, researches etc.

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

The nursing theory that known for culture theory is culture care by Leininger. Madeleine Leininger identified the lack of culture and care knowledge as an important missing component while caring for patients, she developed model that called transcultural nursing that focus on values, beliefs, of individual with the main goal is to provide meaningful and satisfying wholistic patient care and promoting well-being (Michel, Seima, Lacerda, Bernardino, & Lenardt, 2010).

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

The concept that I’m using the most in my practice is person. This concept refers to my patient and their families which have great influence on patient’s care and health. As a nurse I’m looking at my patient as a unique individual because patients are not the same even if they have the same illness. Patient have different culture and beliefs and as a professional nurse I must consider all patient needs beside their illness. For example, on admission I must go through the admission questions which none of them focus on patient’s illness, most of the questions focus on religious, social life, support system etc. those are very important information regarding patient’s life that can help nurses to identify weakness, straights, and limitations that influence patient’s outcome.

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

Communication is a big part of my patient interaction and every time when I’m entering the room I’m using verbal and non-verbal communication such as smile to promote positive attitude, or looking at patient’s eyes when listening to their concerns, or asking them questions that doesn’t involved their illness such as how was their night? What they had for breakfast? What I can do for them? threating patient as a person and not as illness makes a different in their hospital stay.

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

I do not think that the use of this concept will change at any practice area. In all practice areas we deal with people and each one is a unique individual. We must communicate and interact with patient at all time and caring for patient physical, mental and psychosocial health can improve outcome and decrease hospital stay.

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

There are four concepts that make up the metaparadigm of the nursing profession which include person, health, environment, and nursing profession (Marchuk, 2014). These concepts are the roots from which nursing theory grows and develops into professional practice. As a family nurse practitioner, the metaparadigm of nursing will serve as a guide for practice in the healthcare environment and help to accomplish the practitioner’s goal to provide the best patient care possible. This discussion will address each concept and how it relates to the role of a nurse practitioner.

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

The first concept that will be discussed is person and focuses on the recipient of care from the nurse. This concept can be deceiving because the name may lead some to believe it only involves the patient but it can also include family, friends or the community. Patient treatment includes physical, mental, social, and spiritual needs (Marchuk, 2014). The family nurse practitioner will assess the patient holistically and address each of their needs with the proper treatment modality. This may include referrals to other healthcare professionals or involve case management for socio-economic support.

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

The next concept to be discussed is health. This concept goes beyond the patient’s illness and incorporates their total health persona including what they may consider healthy or unhealthy. The concept of health is dynamic and constantly changing through a patient’s lifespan. Practitioners provide a holistic role in this concept by guiding the patient through their healthcare continuum. This may include nurturing a patient through an illness or creating a wellness plan to improve the patient’s state of well being.

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

The next concept that will be addressed is environment. The environment can include internal or external influences such as relationships, career, family dynamics, weather, immune disorders, or mental disorders (Marchuk, 2014). A family nurse practitioner must take all of these environmental influences into consideration to have a successful relationship with their patient. This can be accomplished by creating an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect between the practitioner and patient which enables them to voice their concerns about these environmental issues.

NR501 Week 2 Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

The final concept to be discussed is nursing. The nursing concept is important because it addresses the quality of care received by the patient. This concept focuses on nursing care and draws upon the nurse practitioner’s knowledge, judgment, ethics, and experience (Marchuk, 2014). The practitioner needs to evolve with medicine and incorporate the latest nursing theories into their practice to provide optimum, safe care for patients.


McEwen, M., & Wills, E. M. (2014). Theoretical basis for nursing (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippiincott, Williams, & Wilkins.

Scott, J. (2012). Utilizing AIDET and other tools to increase patient satisfaction scores. Radiology Management, 34(3), 29-35.

Tingle, J. (2017). Improving patient safety and healthcare quality: Examples of good practice. British Journal of Nursing, 26(14), 828-829.

Zamora, R., Patel, M., Doherty, B., Alperstein, A., & Devito, P. (2015). Influence of AIDET in the improving quality metrics in a small community hospital-before and after analysis. Journal of Hospital Administration, 4(3), 35-38.

Marchuk, A. (2014). A personal nursing philosophy in practice. Journal of Neonatal Nursing, 20, 266-273.

Francis, I. (Feb, 2017). Nursing Informatics and the Metaparadigms of Nursing. Online Journal

of Nursing Informatics (OJNI), 21(1)

Xiaoxia, W. (2008). My Nursing Philosophy as Viewed Through Nursing’s Metaparadigm.

Illuminations, 17(2), 5.

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