Essay NURS FPX 6021 Assessment 3 Quality Improvement Presentation Poster GCU

NURS FPX 6021 Assessment 3 Quality Improvement Presentation Poster GCU

NURS FPX 6021 Assessment 3 Quality Improvement Presentation Poster GCU
NURS FPX 6021 Assessment 3 Quality Improvement Presentation Poster GCU

NURS FPX 6021 Assessment 3 Quality Improvement Presentation Poster GCU

Quality Improvement Presentation Poster
The Quality Improvement Intervention proposed here makes use of PDCA cycle for enhancing the quality of care delivery in the patients of PCOS. The PDCA cycle is divided into four steps that follow each other sequentially. The first step is called ‘Plan’ in which the health care providers think of a strategy for the solution of a certain health care issue at hand. The next step is called ‘Do’ in which the proposed interventions are delivered to the patients. After this, comes the third step this cycle which is ‘Check’. In the Check stage, the data about the outcomes is collected and assessed to see the progress. This is regarded as the most important step in this cycle. It is followed by ‘Act’ in which action is taken under the light of the results of the intervention. PDCA cycle could aid nurses in providing better patient care. The PDCA method makes training possible for individuals, teams, and organizations, creating it a crucial resource for the healthcare of the tomorrow (Kryzanowski et al., 2019).

Essay NURS FPX 6011 Assessment 3 Evidence-Based Population Health Improvement Plan GCU

Quality Improvement Presentation Poster
Quality Improvement Method
Interprofessional Team Benefits
Limitation of the PDCA Cycle
Change Strategy
Evidence Supporting Quality Improvement Strategy
The Quality Improvement Intervention proposed here makes use of PDCA cycle for enhancing the quality-of-care delivery in the patients of PCOS. The PDCA cycle is divided into four steps that follow each other sequentially. The first step is called ‘Plan’ in which the strategies are proposed, and they are implemented in ‘Do’, assessed in ‘Check’. The last step of PDCA is ‘Act’
Demirel, A. (2019). Improvement of hand hygiene compliance in a private hospital using the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) method. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences Quarterly, 35(3), 721–725.
Kryzanowski, J., Bloomquist, C. D., Dunn-Pierce, T., Murphy, L., Clarke, S., & Neudorf, C. (2019). Quality improvement as a population health promotion opportunity to reorient the healthcare system. Canadian Journal of Public Health. Revue Canadienne de Sante Publique, 110(1), 58–61.
Qiu, H., & Du, W. (2021). Evaluation of the effect of PDCA in hospital health management. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2021, 6778045.
Tamher, S. D., Rachmawaty, R., & Erika, K. A. (2021). The effectiveness of Plan Do Check Act (PDCA) method implementation in improving nursing care quality: A systematic review. Enfermeria Clinica, 31, S627–S631.
The PDCA cycle: more success with the Deming cycle. (n.d.). IONOS Startupguide. Retrieved June 15, 2022, from
The patients of PCOS are three times more likely to experience anxiety. The level of depression in these patients is also very high due to appearance changes. CBT has been proven to the most effective remedy for treating depression and anxiety in the patients of PCOS (Demirel, 2019) Treatment of the psychological symptoms will help in the treatment of physical symptoms of PCOS (Tamher et al., 2021). According to a research CBT is shown to help patients who are struggling with symptoms of anxiety and depression in the patients of PCOS (Abdollahi, Mirghafourvand, Babapour, & Mohammadi, 2019).
This intervention will allow the medical health practitioners to engage with the therapists and produce a plan which will help the patients of PCOS deal with physical as well as the psychological symptoms of PCOS (Kryzanowski et al., 2019)
The PDCA cycle makes use of reactionary interventions rather
than proactive interventions.
If there is an error in problem definition it can impact the health and wellbeing of patients
It is a very lengthy process and cannot be applied for quick problem assessment
The change strategy proposed here calls for the therapeutic interventions for the patents of PCOS. These patients often struggle with various mental health difficulties like depression and anxiety which are comorbid with PCOS (Tamher et al., 2021). By administering CBT for the treatment of PCOS patients their symptoms physical as well as psychological symptoms will be improved.
Evidence Supporting Quality PDCA Cycle
By taking a controlled experimental approach to education and change assessments, PDCA cycle could aid nurses in providing better patient care. The PDCA method makes training possible for individuals, teams, and organizations, creating it a crucial resource for the healthcare of the tomorrow (Kryzanowski et al., 2019). A systematic experimental practice methodology for evaluating changes is offered by PDCA. The goal of PDCA approach is to determine as rapidly as feasible as to if and how a program is effective in a specific setting. If necessary, revisions are developed to increase the likelihood of achieving and maintaining the desirable change, or perhaps the intervention is stopped and a different approach is tried. It is grounded in scientific principles and balances the knowledge of extensive research with the need to act practically enough. By utilizing PDCA approach, we may try out improvements on a limited scale and then expand on the knowledge gained from them in an organized manner before implementing them broadly (Tamher et al., 2021).

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