NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 4 Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care TS

NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 4 Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care TS
NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 4 Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care TS
Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care
Hello my dear friends, my name is Teletha Stephenson and I am making this video tutorial with a goal of proposing an evidence-based care plan for remote collaboration to improve the safety outcomes of depression patients in the settings of Vila Health Hospital. The audio-video presentation is based on using remote collaboration tools related to evidence care media scenario. In this video, I will explain you the ways in which the evidence-based practice (EBP) model was used to develop a patient care plan that needed remote assistance and collaboration from nurses and psychotherapists in their hard time. I will also show you the relevancy of the evidence used in this video and will also identify and explore the strategies to mitigate the challenges of interdisciplinary collaboration to make care plan more effective and engaging within the context of a remote team.
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the hospital has been forced to change its policies regarding remote/office work and changed the schedule of nurses to work remotely from home. This requires using the right tools and methods to enhance the remote collaboration of nurses with their patients to increase the quality of care outcomes and ensure patients’ satisfaction. Nurses in remote settings have to face difficult scenarios and practical challenges; this essay is important part of the overall strategy of the hospital to improve their remote collaboration outcomes using evidence-based practices and allow their staff to produce the best patient care (Scogin, et al., 2018). Therefore, a sought-after plan or design is vital based on EBP to achieve the desired outcomes for Vila Health Hospital to mitigate such challenges.
The Remote Collaboration Scenario
In the current era of technological evolution and advancement, telepsychiatry is a tool or method that is being adopted, tested, and embraced by thousands of healthcare clinics and hospitals of America. It helps to provide the best psychiatry care to the patients of depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and dementia to get the best patient care outcomes in remote settings (Scogin, 2018). Telehealth is becoming a popular method since the 20th century for experts and professionals who are working far away from a source of care. The method has been suggested for patient care ever since the evolution of telephones and remote communication devices in the 20th century (). For example, since 1959, telepsychiatry has helped many healthcare clinics and hospitals to improve their patient care outcomes. That is made possible using the best available telecommunication systems and tools. In the 1990s, there was a huge increase in the telehealth programs used for patients’ betterment in remote settings; these programs are still going nowhere and providing great help to nurses to treat depression patients like Muller and his family who have been feeling an obsessive compulsive disorder lately and also diagnosed by nurses to have deep depression symptoms. The researchers and medical health professionals are taking a significant interest in telepsychiatry process; which is why, a research published by Smith (2021) shows with evidence that using technological tools for monitoring and treating depression patients reduce traditional barriers to treatment and also allow patients to reveal their concerns privately without any hesitation. This is the reason why healthcare professionals at Vial Health Hospital need a new approach to treat depression patients and detect their worries and measure their progress over time.
NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 4 Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care TS
In our current scenario, let me explain the case of Muller and his family who have been admitted in the psychiatry ward one week before the COVID-19 lockdown. Their history shows that depression is the most prominent problem in their whole family including young teenagers and their father Mr. Muller who is 52 years old. Muller is a real estate agent and a former car mechanic; his statistics reveal that he arrived at a point of his life where he felt he gained nothing and also failed to raise good children. That was the emotional turmoil in his mind that became the major source of his anxiety, frustration, and depression. This is the reason he along with his 19 year old son, who was having suicidal thoughts were admitted to hospital. Unfortunately, the outbreak of coronavirus lead to a major halt in their depression treatment and the patients failed to achieve the right care they deserved due to the absence of nurses on duty. The hospital had to allow junior and young nurses to work from home due to traveling restrictions and living at great distances from the hospital; that affected the quality treatment of Muller and his son to achieve progress on their case. The hospital management decided to incorporate remote collaboration tools to treat depression patients such as Muller who were diagnosed with acute depression and anxiety in addition to schizophrenia (Scogin, 2018).
The hospital management recommended remote working nurses and their psychotherapist to educate and monitor Muller and his young kid using telepsychiatry methods. That involved using Microsoft Skype as a major tool to provide consultancy and social service to those patients. Now, in this video, we will shed more light on how the remote collaboration scenario helped shaped better patient outcomes in Vila Hospital and how the patients in this case study were affected by remote collaboration tools to achieve their goals.
The Remote Collaboration Scenario Provided
As the depression patients Muller and his teenage son are described to be the most important and critical patients for the psychiatry department, they must be treated with utmost care and respect to save the reputation of the hospital and enhance care outcomes. The management of Vila Health Hospital decided to introduce and adopt remote collaboration tools and technologies according to nurses’ remote working needs. Another factor that played a vital role in introducing remote collaboration facilities in this discipline of the hospital was inability of Muller and his son to visit the hospital due to living eight miles away from the institution. The best solution for their depression and schizophrenia treatment was through using some robust video collaboration and communication tools remotely. These tools significantly helped the practitioners to understand patients’ condition who had a history of depression in their family. The doctors recommended psychotherapy with a combination of medication approach that aimed to change the chemistry of patients’ brain to help them gain relaxation and confidence. The healthcare providers used innovation and found a new way to not only embrace the power of telepsychiatry but to use it effectively to treat mentally ill patients (McCall, 2019). This initiative helped the organisation to adopt telepsychiatry as a first solution to their remote treatment problem. Therefore, as a result of telepsychiatry practice using Skype software and smartphone calls, the patients expedited positive impacts from these innovative remote collaboration solutions. NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 2 Ethical and Policy Factors in Care Coordination TS
NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 4 Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care TS
The hospital also compared its results of treating depression patients manually with telehealth solutions to measure their effectiveness. A time period of six months was sufficient for nurses and psychotherapist to improve the conditions of both Muller and his family member who received additional medical care and support. The results showed that tech-assisted telepsychiatry practice helped to significantly reduce depressive symptoms in Muller and his son in six months. The good news was that there were several positive outcomes regarding utilization of telehealth processes during remote treatment and psychotherapy. For example, the practitioners observed that Muller felt increased satisfaction with care and helped to reduce his emotional instability. Moreover, these positive results occurred concurrently with improved anxiety management. The overall satisfaction of the customers or patients was better than they were in the hospital physically. However, the patients had other concerns such as connectivity issues of remote collaboration tools and disconnection of the Internet at the time of treatment. But those were minor issues as the company used an app that helped to improve the Internet speed and also allowed patients to initiate a Skype session on their iPhone or tablet (Kim, 2019).
The Evidence-Based Care Plan to Improve the Safety and Outcomes
The telehealth plan was to incorporate as much evidence-based knowledge as possible for improving the understanding of practitioners and nurses in Vila Health Hospital to arrive at the best depression treatments and outcomes. That goal was achieved by the company by introducing a series of brochures, pamphlets, and videos that helped to provide the relevant information related to the condition of depression. Moreover, some well-known blogs and articles on Mayo Clinic website were also very helpful to achieve patient care evidence-based goals. The Skype collaboration was extremely crucial to schedule that helped nurses and psychotherapists to get in touch with patients by seeing their faces in specific working hours. That helped them to explore the possible challenges related to remote collaboration and then advise the right telemedicine or psychotherapy for treating depression successfully (Fairchild, 2020). The plan helped the staff to implement patient monitoring system that included pulse monitor and a monitor to check all the vital signs of patients. These devices allowed practitioners to monitor patients consistently on a regular basis without any hindrance or delay. That helped doctors to devise the right strategies to improve mood and prescribe the best medication to release tension and anxiety.
As both patients were feeling depressed and unmotivated, the article by () on telepsychiatry and telehealth emphasizes the importance of remote collaboration and monitoring for hospitals in the United States. This practice ensures that technological systems can significantly improve their quality of care implementation strategies from remote locations. Moreover, patients can also have greater satisfaction while being treated at home. For instance, after the care plan is implemented in Vila Hospital, it is vital to consider appointments and meetings conducted during recovery and post-recovery stages as Muller and his son has a history of depression and feeling down. This EBP model has played a crucial role in understanding of mental health issues faced by these depression patients. Another research published by Eged (2018) highlights that using the telepsychiatry method helps medical healthcare units and hospitals to improve their remote collaboration and also help them to decrease their overall costs. Such costs can include operational costs, technology costs, wages of hiring extra workers, and administrative and technological costs. Another research by Cohen (2020) also agreed to the same point that this system helped to improve the overall costs of the professionals. Muller suffers anxiety disorder again after two weeks of remote treatment. This technology and the evidence-based practice helped nurses and doctors to successfully cure patients’ depressive thoughts and transformed their thinking to see the world through a positive lens. Moreover, during the horrific outbreak of the global pandemic COVID-19, the use of tele-mental health facility or system can significantly help Vila Health Hospital to achieve greater patient outcomes. Therefore, all these evidences provide a clear picture of how Vial Health Hospital can benefit from remote collaboration technologies and also gain a competitive advantage. However, the organization still has to tackle some challenges discussed in the next part.
NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 4 Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care TS
Strategies to Mitigate Challenges
The good news is that according to evidence-based resources and implementing the remote collaboration technologies in Vila Health Hospital for treating depression patients, increasing collaboration can also result in challenges. For instance, some patient’s information can leak or some patients can fail to establish reliable and fast network connection (Bathgate, 2021). Using the encrypted video technologies, the company can reduce the risk of data theft and using Google Calendar for a reminder can never allow a meeting to be missed by the clients and nurses. These strategies can easily help to establish and enhance the performance of the whole telehealth system.
Bathgate, C. J., Kilbourn, K. M., Murphy, N. H., Wamboldt, F. S., & Holm, K. E. (2021). Pilot
RCT of a telehealth intervention to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety in adults with cystic fibrosis. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis.
Cohen, L. B., Taveira, T. H., Wu, W. C., & Pirraglia, P. A. (2020). Pharmacist-led telehealth
disease management program for patients with diabetes and depression. Journal of telemedicine and telecare, 26(5), 294-302.
Egede, L. E., Dismuke, C. E., Walker, R. J., Acierno, R., & Frueh, B. C. (2018). Cost-
effectiveness of behavioral activation for depression in older adult veterans: in-person care versus telehealth. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 79(5), 0-0.
Fairchild, R. M., Ferng-Kuo, S. F., Rahmouni, H., & Hardesty, D. (2020). Telehealth increases
access to care for children dealing with suicidality, depression, and anxiety in rural emergency departments. Telemedicine and e-Health, 26(11), 1353-1362.
Kim, E. H., Gellis, Z. D., Bradway, C. K., & Kenaley, B. (2019). Depression care services and
telehealth technology use for homebound elderly in the United States. Aging & mental health, 23(9), 1164-1173.
McCall, T., Bolton III, C. S., McCall, R., & Khairat, S. (2019). The use of culturally-tailored
telehealth interventions in managing anxiety and depression in African American adults: a systematic review. MEDINFO 2019: Health and Wellbeing e-Networks for All, 1728-1729.
Scogin, F., Lichstein, K., DiNapoli, E. A., Woosley, J., Thomas, S. J., LaRocca, M. A., … &
Geyer, J. D. (2018). Effects of integrated telehealth-delivered cognitive-behavioral therapy for depression and insomnia in rural older adults. Journal of psychotherapy integration, 28(3), 292.
Smith, B. P., Coe, E., & Meyer, E. C. (2021). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy delivered
via telehealth for the treatment of co-occurring depression, PTSD, and nicotine use in a male veteran. Clinical Case Studies, 20(1), 75-91.
NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 4 Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care TS