NR 524 Week 2 Mission Statement Paper

NR 524 Week 2 Mission Statement Paper
Mission Statement for Prelicensure BSN Program in a Public University
NR 524 Week 2 Mission Statement Paper
The success of a project in an organization depends on many factors and a mission statement plays a critical role in identifying, developing, and implementing the action plan (Handiwibowo & Suef, 2019). The purpose of this paper is to assess the importance of the mission statement, draft, optimize, and finalize mission statements based on factors, parent organization, and peer Collaboration. A mission statement is not just a statement that an organization decided to have to highlight their purpose, but it is also a direct, concise, and to the point statement that includes goals, means, boundaries, target audience, and service as key concepts (Alegre, Berbegal-Mirabent, Guerrero & Mas-Machuca, 2018). An organization can stay on the track by drafting, fine-tuning, and creating a mission statement that reflects the goals and purpose of an organization (Fitzgerald & Cunningham, 2015). A mission statement is important at three levels. At the first level, it is important for the organization and its employees as it helps them to understand the purpose and goal of the organization (Dermol & Širca, 2018). The second level is related to the investors and stakeholders who associate themselves with the organization to do business. The third level indicates the users or the customers who get the benefit of the service (Toh & Koon, 2017). Further, it sets out the direction of work of the organization, provides an outline for process and decision-making, shapes, and adopts strategies along with changes, and defines the outcome in the future (Dermol & Širca, 2018).
NR 524 Week 2 Mission Statement Paper
Parent Organization Mission Statement
The Chamberlain Mission Statement is to educate, empower, and embolden diverse healthcare professionals who advance the health of people, families, communities, and nations (Chamberlain, 2020). The mission statement is mainly education-based and it reflects the purpose of the organization and its functions.
Prelicensure BSN Program Mission Statement
The program selected was to create a curriculum for the Prelicensure BSN program in a public university. As a result, components of the organization and its purpose were identified to create a mission statement. The organization is a public university and this plays a major role in optimizing the mission statement (Toh & Koon, 2017). The initial mission statement was: My mission statement is to provide quality, evidence-based, innovative, and technologically advanced education programs based on evidence, theories, economics, sociology, and philosophy to prepare the students to increase the well-being of individuals, communities, and society. The philosophy of nursing, environment, person, health, and education will be integrated into the nursing program. Initially, there were two important parts. The first one was education and the second was service. However, after assessing aspects of such as opportunities, socioeconomic conditions, scope, and education culture, aspects such as inclusiveness, economy, and equity were considered. Final mission statement created after initial draft was: To develop and provide inclusive, advanced, evidence-based, and quality education programs to prepare and empower students and skilled professional nurses to improve the quality of care provided by integrating core nursing concepts. This highlights the goal and outcome of a public university. As a result, the mission statement reflects the functions and goals of the public university.
NR 524 Week 2 Mission Statement Paper
Elements of prelicensure BSN Program in a Public University Mission Statement
Many students opt for public universities when they cannot afford to pay for private universities, find it hard to maintain work, study, and life balance, they feel welcomed and accepted in private universities, and socioeconomic barriers. As a result, elements such as inclusiveness, quality evidence-based education, cost, service, opportunities, and patient outcomes were considered as core elements of the mission statement. Also, stress on the target population, core nursing concepts, and the type of university makes this mission statement unique.
NR 524 Week 2 Mission Statement Paper
Congruent with Parent Organization Mission Statement
The parent organization selected was Chamberlain University. The mission statement of the organization has both education and service as key elements (Chamberlain, 2020). As a result, it is congruent with the mission statement developed for the BSN program in the public university. Other elements include to educate, empower, embolden, and prepare health care professionals to provide better care for the people and communities. This is again congruent with the personal mission statement as the personal mission statement also identifies quality education, empowering students and nurses by considering their socioeconomic status, and the community they work for as key elements. Further, the personal mission statement also highlights the outcome and goals of the Chamberlain University Mission Statement. When it comes to the target audience, Chamberlain University’s mission statement highlight that health care professionals are the focus point (Chamberlain, 2020). Even though the personal mission statement considers health care professionals as the audience, but it also focuses on students who are yet to practice in health care. As a result, the mission statement has two focused groups or audiences.
Teaching and Service
The final mission statement views both teaching and service as interconnected. The main reason to opt for such a view is it creates a bridge between teaching and service. This further allows a service provider (working nurses) to adopt lifelong learning to stay competitive. Also, it creates opportunities for nurse educators to understand the service sector to implement a better curriculum to produce skilled nurses, create effective policies, and aid in further research in health care and nursing. For example, a nurse can continue to gain more knowledge and acquire skills to provide better care by learning global health care situations and models. The present case of COVID-19 is such an example. A nurse can use knowledge and advocacy to train and educate other nurses by practicing at the highest level. Similarly, a graduate student or nurse educator can research to develop new vaccines, theories, and models to bring evidence-based changes in the practice environment. As a result, the final mission statement stresses on quality and evidence-based care and preparing skilled nurses to serve the public.
NR 524 Week 2 Mission Statement Paper
Unique Qualities
The elements can be classified at three levels. They are: at the individual level (health care professionals, nurse educators, and students), organizational level, and service users (patients, communities, and families). The first unique quality is it identifies inclusiveness as one of the core components. As a result, everyone who wants to get quality education will get such education irrespective of caste, race, socioeconomic status, gender, culture, or ideology. This increases diversity in the organization. The second unique quality is adopting an evidence-based education system. As nursing is a dynamic profession where changes occur at a rapid pace, it is important to adopt newly developed evidence-based practices. Providing quality education along with promoting evidence-based practice can aid in creating a dynamic environment in the education system. This further promotes research culture in the organization (Handiwibowo & Suef, 2019). The third unique quality is, it identifies aspects of a public university. As the public university is different from other universities, it is important to incorporate its challenges, process, and culture to achieve the intended goal. For example, opportunities for students from lower level socioeconomic classes can be increased by implementing a strategy that empowers them. The fourth unique quality is it bridges the gap between learning, teaching, and service providing to create a balanced health care environment. For example, a teacher can mentor a student or a working nurse can assist a teacher or student to explain challenges, barriers, and activities in practice settings. The fifth unique quality is, the mission statement identifies and integrates four nursing concepts or metaparadigms (person, environment, nursing, and health) in education and service. As a result, it provides a broad-scale view by integrating organization, student, nurses, public health, environment, and other aspects into consideration.
NR 524 Week 2 Mission Statement Paper
Target Population
The mission statement identifies students and health care professionals as the target population. Also, it identifies students who are from lower level socioeconomic backgrounds as the key stakeholders in the hindsight. The process of identifying the target population included understanding the importance of organization (Kesberg & Keller, 2020), public universities, opportunities, and barriers in the lives of students, communities, and health professionals. Initially, the target audience was only students, but later health care professionals were also included as it involves a prelicensure BSN program in a public university where graduate nurses can take the job of a research assistant or work under a nurse mentor. As a result, both working nurses and students were selected. Further, the literature review highlighted that people from lower socio-economic backgrounds play an important role in public universities. As a result, the group was also included, but the mission statement was not just limited to this group. Further, to bridge the gap between education and service, the target audience as a whole was considered, which included students, researchers, and service providers. Here, the role of the researcher is associated with students, teachers, and nurses.
NR 443 Week 4 Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles
Peer Collaboration
The influence of peer collaboration on the final mission statement was very significant. For example, my initial mission statement was superficial as it reflected the parent organization, but it clearly did not analyze the BSN nursing program in public universities as a key aspect. Peer Collaboration and discussions help users to understand the importance of creating a mission plan that is specifically designed for the program (Smith, 2015) and reflect the mission statement of the parent organization. After reading the posts, the mission statement was further optimized by assessing the target audience and the significance of teaching, learning, and practicing in nursing. As a result, both students and health care professionals were selected as the target audience. The feedbacks were useful as it highlighted good aspects of the mission statement along with recommendations for changes. However, the recommended changes were already noted by reading discussion posts. One such change was to keep the mission statement very precise with important keywords along with the amount of space it takes. The posts and feedback prompted me to conduct further research. This led to the inclusion of the nursing paradigm and evidence-based practice in education as key aspects. It is evident from this that peer Collaboration can bring in new ideas and changes that may result in a better outcome.
NR 524 Week 2 Mission Statement Paper
A mission statement is important for every organization as it highlights the aims, objectives, target audience, strategy, concepts, and purpose of the organization in a precise and brief manner. The mission statement developed for the licensing BSN program for public university highlights inclusiveness, evidence-based quality education, socioeconomic aspects, the culture of a public university, bridging the gap between educators and service providers, and four nursing metaparadigms. The mission statement is congruent with the mission statement of the parent organization. The audiences were clearly identified as students and health care professionals. The key aspects of the mission statement along with unique qualities were briefly explained to highlight the importance of mission statement in the public university. The process of peer collaboration and discussion along with feedback helped me optimizing and finalizing the mission statement that reflects both the parent organization and the selected nursing program.
NR 524 Week 2 Mission Statement Paper
Alegre, I., Berbegal-Mirabent, J., Guerrero, A., & Mas-Machuca, M. (2018). The real mission of the mission statement: A systematic review of the literature. Journal Of Management & Organization, 24(4), 456-473. doi: 10.1017/jmo.2017.82
Chamberlain. (2020). Mission and vision statement. Retrieved 9 September 2020, from
Dermol, V., & Širca, N. (2018). Communication, company mission, organizational values, and company performance. Procedia – Social And Behavioral Sciences, 238, 542-551. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2018.04.034
Fitzgerald, C., & Cunningham, J. (2015). Inside the university technology transfer office: mission statement analysis. The Journal Of Technology Transfer, 41(5), 1235-1246. doi: 10.1007/s10961-015-9419-6
NR 524 Week 2 Mission Statement Paper
Handiwibowo, G., & Suef, M. (2019). The impact of outbound training activity on organization mission statement (case in education mission statement MMT-ITS). IPTEK The Journal For Technology And Science, 29(1), 25. doi: 10.12962/j20882033.v29i1.2990
Kesberg, R., & Keller, J. (2020). Donating to the ‘right’ cause: Compatibility of personal values and mission statements of philanthropic organizations fosters prosocial behavior. Personality And Individual Differences, 168, 110313. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2020.110313
Smith, S. (2015). Peer collaboration: improving teaching through comprehensive peer review. To Improve The Academy, 33(1). doi: 10.3998/tia.17063888.0033.106
Toh, S., & Koon, V. (2017). Determining mission statement effectiveness from a fit perspective. Studies In Business And Economics, 12(2), 220-240. doi: 10.1515/sbe-2017-0031
NR 524 Week 2 Mission Statement Paper