Essay LOG 302 Module 4 Complete TUI

LOG 302 Module 4 Complete TUI
Outsourcing, Circular Supply Chain, and Reverse Logistics
LOG 302 Module 4 Discussion
This week’s readings provide background on the circular supply chain. Find at least one other recent resource for support. For your post:
- Explain how United-States-based companies support the circular supply chain.
- Discuss tools in place to assist in the effort.
- Using the resource beyond this week’s readings, provide a real-world example of how a U.S.-based company has been successful with its circular supply chain. (The article should be less than three years old.)
This post should be 2 paragraphs in length (at least 100 words). Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite in the body of the post and add a reference list in APA format. NOTE: Failure to use research with accompanying citations to support content will result in reduced scoring “Level 2-Developing” for Assignment-Driven Criteria, Critical Thinking, Writing Mechanics, and Referencing on the grading rubric.
Reverse Logistics Revenue
Seeing reverse logistics as an “untapped revenue stream” is not a new idea, but it is gaining traction. Entrepreneurial initiatives are helping to make it become a profit center.
This week’s readings provide more background on revenue streams from reverse logistics. Find at least one other recent resource for support. For your post:
- Explain ways in which companies are benefitting financially from reverse logistics.
- Based on your research, discuss the top two areas on which companies should focus to maximize revenue from reverse logistics.
- Using the resource beyond this week’s readings, provide a real-world example of a U.S.-based company that has been successful in this area. (The article should be less than two years old.)
This post should be 2 paragraphs in length (at least 100 words). Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite in the body of the post and add a reference list in APA format. NOTE: Failure to use research with accompanying citations to support content will result in reduced scoring “Level 2-Developing” for Assignment-Driven Criteria, Critical Thinking, Writing Mechanics, and Referencing on the grading rubric.
LOG 302 Module 4 Case Assignment
Outsourcing Decisions
Companies decide to outsource to other entities that can accomplish a job function for a comparable cost, optimize operations, and allow for more resources to be deployed in areas where the company specializes. Outsourcing can mean departments or functions are handled by another company. It is important to ensure a seamless transition for all chain members.
Case Assignment
- Begin with the background readings which provide a foundation in industry outsourcing trends and practices. Research what functions are often outsourced in logistics/supply chain and why.
This portion of the paper will be 1 page in length. - Research the pros and cons of outsourcing in logistics (at least three pros and three cons must be discussed).
This portion of the paper will be 1 page in length. - Research two examples of logistics/supply chain companies that outsourced and had different results. (Use examples that are not from this week’s readings)
This portion of the paper will be 1 page in length.
Resources should be no more than three years old for this Case Assignment because the industry is changing rapidly, and the goal is to remain relevant throughout your career.
LOG 302 Module 4 SLP Assignment
Presentation: Trends in Supply Chain Management and Logistics
After our diploma has been hung on the wall and the classes are behind us, continuing to stay up-to-date with what is happening in the industry is crucial so we can stay ahead of the curve and maintain our valuable knowledge base.
Over the previous three modules, you learned about leading-edge technology and trends in logistics and supply chain management. Put that to work for you. You will create a video presentation and accompanying handout. (Do not copy resources). Share insights into where you see logistics and supply chain management going and how a company can leverage this. The audience for this presentation will be all levels of logistics professionals.
SLP Assignment
Presentation Handout
- Create a handout to accompany the presentation. (Do not copy resources). It should be informative and targeted to the audience. It can be written in a professional conversational style, but since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite in the handout and add a reference list in APA format. The handout may be single-spaced and use fonts not allowed in APA.
Video Presentation
- Video yourself presenting the 3- to 3½-minute video. Set your digital camera/phone to video your face and upper torso. This will allow the viewer to see your hand gestures and facial expressions. Do not read your script.