Essay DNP 825 Topic 1 Discussions GCU Nov 2021

DNP 825 Topic 1 Discussions GCU Nov 2021
DNP 825 Topic 1 DQ 1
Identify a population-based problem of interest you see in your community and identify relevant outcomes you would like to see from mitigating the scope and effects of this problem. What role would public health play in addressing this social issue? How is public health essential to the health and well-being of your community, and how does public health relate to population-based nursing? Support your response with examples and relevant literature.
DNP 825 Topic 1 DQ 2
Describe the purpose of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) and the types of determinations the board makes. Provide an example of a scenario in which a quality improvement project would require IRB approval. Use relevant literature to support your response.