Essay BIO 220 Full Course Discussions GCU

BIO 220 Full Course Discussions GCU
BIO 220 Topic 1 DQ 1
Research a local environmental law. Provide the following details about the law:
- What is it designed to protect, when was it implemented, and what some consequences for violating it are?
- In what ways is it effective?
- In what ways is it not?
- How can it be more effective?
BIO 220 Topic 1 DQ 2
How has society’s view of the environment changed over time? What does the Christian Worldview say about protecting the environment? Use specific Bible verses to support your answer.
BIO 220 Topic 2 DQ 1
What is the difference between R and K selective? Provide an example of a K specialist species and an R specialist species (find examples outside the textbook). What kind of environment would favor each and why?
BIO 220 Topic 2 DQ 2
According to our textbook, a biotic factor is a living element found within an ecosystem, while an abiotic factor is a nonliving element found within an ecosystem. Choose a biome and ecosystem and provide an example of a biotic and abiotic factor found within your biome/ecosystem. Explain the importance of these factors to your specific biome/ecosystem.
BIO 220 Topic 3 DQ 1
The growth rate equation is (birth rate + immigration)-(death rate + emigration). Provide at least two factors that affect the population size based off the equation above, and explain how these factors impact the size of the population.
BIO 220 Topic 3 DQ 2
Identify any unusual environmental problems (for example: heavy metals due to mining, water pollution due to farming or industry) in your neighborhood and research possible health effects of potential environmental hazards in the area. Who is at risk, what is the environmental hazard, where does this hazard come from and what health problems caused by the pollutant? Before you get started, review the terminology.
Environmental Hazard: Something (chemical, physical or microbiological) with the potential to cause harm; however, it does not always put you at risk.
Risk: The combination of the probability or frequency, of occurrence of the identified hazard and the magnitude of the consequences of the occurrence.
Risk assessment: Risk assessment is the process of estimating the potential impact of a chemical, physical, or microbiological hazard on a specified human population or ecological system under a specific set of conditions and for a certain time frame.
BIO 220 Topic 4 DQ 1
Farmers use fertilizers to improve crop growth which can impact the environment though agricultural runoff. What is agricultural runoff? Provide two examples of how farmers can prevent it.
BIO 220 Topic 4 DQ 2
Superweeds are plants having a high resistance to different herbicides. How do superweeds grow? Do GMOs influence the growth of superweeds? Why or why not?
BIO 220 Topic 5 DQ 1
Describe a natural protected area where you live (city or state).
- Where is this park and what makes people want to visit it?
- Have you been there or do you plan to in the future?
- What are some efforts made to protect the area (natural features, animals, plants, etc.)?
- What are some concerns to protecting the area?
BIO 220 Topic 5 DQ 2
Plant communities change over time.
- What is the difference between primary and secondary succession?
- Provide an example of a place that is or has undergone primary succession.
- Provide an example of a place that is in or has undergone secondary succession.
BIO 220 Topic 6 DQ 1
Select a national monument. How has it been affected by weathering? Be sure to specify the type of weathering it is exposed to.
BIO 220 Topic 6 DQ 2
Select a type of renewable energy. Compare it to fossil fuels by explaining two pros and two cons for its implementation on a large scale. Maintain an environmental focus (do not just give economic reasons).
BIO 220 Topic 7 DQ 1
Provide one example for point source pollution and one example for non-point source pollution. Identify one type of water pollutant and describe the effects this pollutant has on the environment.
BIO 220 Topic 7 DQ 2
Provide an example of water use and describe some examples of domestic water conservation. Define the Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act (make sure to include in-text citations and references).