Case Study 2 Healthcare Innovations

Case Study 2 Healthcare Innovations
Case Study 2: Healthcare Innovations
This case study is focused on supply chain resilience and innovation in global healthcare markets. Please see the news articles below:
Deloitte: “Top 10 health care innovations,” Link:
Article: “National Dialogue for Healthcare Innovation: Framework for Private-Public
Collaboration on Disaster Preparedness and Response,”
Wall Street Journal: “Virus Research Has Exploded Since Covid-19 Hit. Is It Safe?”
Wall Street Journal: “Supply-Chain Contracts Get Revamped After Covid-19 Disruptions,”
This case study aims to improve innovation and global supply chains supporting the United
States healthcare industry.
Specific topics:
• Provide a summary of healthcare innovations discussed in the Deloitte article.
• Discuss the opportunities for public-private collaboration in healthcare.
• Discuss how healthcare organizations could use supplier diversity and sustainability to
manage new healthcare innovations in the future.
• Discuss the future advantages of open innovation for new product development in health
care (See Articles 1-3 in Canvas).
o Article 1: Supplier Innovation Push
o Article 2: Customer and Supplier Collaboration
o Article 3: Managing Innovation Dilemmas
Case Study Report:
Case study reports should be a minimum of 10 pages in length and will be due October 28th at
11:59 p.m. Central Time. The title page, abstract, and reference list pages can be counted
toward the 10-page minimum requirement for this report. Please upload your report in the
appropriate “Assignment” folder in Canvas as a Microsoft Word file.
The report should be developed in APA format. An APA style guide will be included with the
assignment. Additional guidelines by the American Psychological Association (APA) can be
found at the following link: Study 2: Healthcare Innovations
Each assignment should be double-spaced with one-inch margins using a Times New Roman 12-
point font. A title page, abstract, appropriate citations of referenced materials, running headers,
and page numbers are required for this assignment.
Label your report as follows: Last name_First name_Healthcare_Innovation
Example: Schulz Steven Healthcare Innovation
Administrative Requirements:
• Late assignments will not be accepted after the due date.
• The 11:59 p.m. Central Time deadline means that your files will need to be fully
uploaded by that time. If your file is not finished uploading by 11:59, your assignment
will be recorded as late by Canvas, and you will not receive credit for this report.
• There will be a 10-point penalty for submitting an assignment that is not a Microsoft
Word document.
• There will be a 10-point penalty for not using recommended names for files uploaded to
• Turn-It-In will be used to screen all assignments for originality.
Research Support:
All case studies in this course require research to support your work. If you need assistance using
the resources available through Criss Library, please see the Library Resources link in Canvas
(Please see the column of choices on the left side of the page.).